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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Driverless Vehicles

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My particular Final Research Paper is about the advantages and disadvantages of driverless vehicles.

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Name Instructor Course Date Driverless Vehicles The goal of every industry now is to ensure efficiency. People today try to spend as little time as possible to accomplish the tasks in their daily lives. Due to technological advancements today, little time is spent in processing tasks. The speed at which today’s computers receive and process commands is significantly faster than the computers of years gone by. Because of technological developments, today’s machines come with computing devices embedded in them. The purpose of the devices is to ensure that there is a little human intervention as possible. From my younger years, I read news stories of how technologists talked about future self-driven cars. As a result, it would be possible to go to places without worrying about incurring the extra cost of hiring a driver. This scenario only occurred when I was reading novels fifteen years ago. However, it may become reality sooner than I think. Tesla had demonstrated their driverless cars videos in late 2016, expecting to accelerate the road tests of the vehicles. Several months later, Uber announced that their first driverless vehicle road test had been successful. Developers had optimistic attitude towards the products. These events meant that the technology industry was paying huge attention to autonomous vehicles in the past few years and companies strived to accelerate the development of these vehicles. Other companies followed suit and there has been widespread expansion of driverless vehicles. Despite the fact that driverless vehicles can bring countless benefits to customers in the future, some experts still claim that they have concerns towards them. Unfortunately, there was an accident that took place on Uber driverless vehicle and it created more doubts among customers. People’s attitudes changed rapidly and many of them became pessimistic towards driverless vehicles. From my perspective, indeed driverless vehicles are not perfect at this time but developers are more than willing to fix the problems they’ve discovered in the testing stage. Once these problems disappear, customers will enjoy all the convenience brought by driverless vehicles. Therefore, I argue that the benefits of driverless vehicles far much outweigh the associated risks and it is a bright idea that will change the driving experiences going into the future. Advantages of Driverless Vehicles Increase in Efficiency While driving to workplace in busy cities like New York and Shanghai every day, people would spend more than half an hour just on driving, driverless vehicles allow these people to work or relax during rush hours. Companies would no longer have to hire drivers to standby and it can significantly reduce the costs. Companies can invest the money into other departments in order to maximize companies’ efficiencies. According to Zushi (141), driverless vehicles drive more efficiently with reduced headways thereby reducing congestion and increasing the capacities of the highways. With the current vehicles that need drivers, there have been many destructions meted on highways. As a result, governments spend more each year to renovate these highways. However, with driverless vehicles, the situation will be a lot better and the highways will nee...
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