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Flushing: The Major Pivot of New York State’s economy

Research Paper Instructions:

My topic is Flushing.
6 sources minimum. ( 2 primary research at least)

1:22 "fDraft 1 - Project Proposal - Instr...1. Describe the additional research you nee to do. What is missing from your discussion and what kinds of sources do you need to find? If you have found som of these additional sources, please take note of them here.Reminder of source types:
Primary Sources
Interview someone
Prepare and conduct a survey
Conduct a site visit of the place (or a place related to the topic) you intend to write about and take notes
Take photographs
Eavesdrop on a conversation (not always the most ethical form of research but certainly something that helps a researcher to understand a place better)
Secondary Research (the researcher’s looking to support sources for information)
A website
A magazine or newspaper article A book A work of art A comic A poem A song A film A TV series A videogame□

ctions - due at the end of the moPlease answer the following one at a time, numbering your responses. These should be typed and written as coherently as possible, using full sentences whenever possible. Please use in text citations when you are quoting. Please use your MLA Handbook to help you with quotation.

1. Pose your research question at the top of the proposal. This should be a how/to what extent/ why question that presents an intellectual tension or problem, (not a question that has a straightforward answer)
Good example: How does has Amazon and internet shopping affected local delis and supermarkets in lower Manhattans?
Bad example: How many super-markets are there in Manhattan? How much money does Amazon make? (This might be very good background research, but it cannot sustain a whole essay — the answer is easy to find)
1. Choose the event/place/person you
wish to work with. Describe the who/where/what/when of this event/place/person in a few sentences (as it might appear in an introduction for instance). Find 2 primary sources (see at the end of this document for a reminder of source types) that begin to illuminate this place/person. — Summarize one of these sources in a paragraph. In a second paragraph, discuss the most important question, tension or curiosity your place/person/event raises raises. What fruitful/open-ended questions do you have about theT

1:22 "f3roposal - Instructions - due at ththese sources m a paragraph, in a second«™ paragraph, discuss the most importan&J question, tension or curiosity your mm place/person/event raises raises. What fruitful/open-ended questions do you have about the controversy?

1. Present 3 secondary sources you plan to use. This should be a source whose ideas you are in conversation with or that provides useful background information for your person/event/place. For each, write a full MLA citation and a brief paragraph in which you summarize the source and say how you plan to use it to discuss the problem brought up in your controversy text.
1. List 2-3 quotes from each of these sources and explain after each what key terms or concepts from the passage might be useful in your project.
1. Ask three questions you are interested in pursuing in order to address the major issue/problem/ interest your person/event/place raises. These will likely evolve as you write and revise, but you need initial questions to get started. (If you’re stumped trying to generate your questions, start by asking yourself: What questions does my topic raise for me that an argument or idea from my other sources might help me answer?)
1. Describe 2-3 of the possible
claims/ideas you plan to explore in your essay, (think analysis here, rather than summary — what do you as a thinker and observer brin^^his^ogid] Be as specific
A T Tpn nn i r\r< nr< r] novonlirnon

Draft 1 - Project Proposal - argument or idea from my other source might help me answer?)

1. Describe 2-3 of the possible
claims/ideas you plan to explore in your essay, (think analysis here, rather than summary — what do you as a thinker and observer bring to this topic!) Be as specific as possible. Use quotation and paraphrase to support your argument. The more you write here, the more you’ll have to work with for your draft 2.
1. Describe the additional research you need to do. What is missing from your discussion and what kinds of sources do you need to find? If you have found some of these additional sources, please take note of them here.
Reminder of source types:
Primary Sources
Interview someone
Prepare and conduct a survey
Conduct a site visit of the place (or a place related to the topic) you intend to write about and take notes
Take photographs
Eavesdrop on a conversation (not always the most ethical form of research but certainly something that helps a researcher to understand a place better)
Secondary Research (the researcher’s looking to support sources for information)
A website
A magazine or newspaper article
A book(!)1:22 "f

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
I visited Flushing area in New York. I travelled there by bus and it was an exhausting journey. I was more interested to study the fast growth and development of the city. My guide received me well and took me around the town. To my surprise, the town is among the biggest cities in the US that is dominated by Asians. It was founded in 1645 on the east bank of the area’s Creek under Dutch and became part of Netherland’s colony governed New Amsterdam (Jackson Paragraph 2). Following 1664, English started controlling Amsterdam thereby ending Dutch’s control of Flushing. The 19th century saw New York grow in terms of population as Flushing did. Its closeness to Manhattan was important in its change into a popular resident’s region. I discovered that transportation is an important factor in the growth of a region as the on-going construction of bridges on Flushing River as well as the construction of additional roads grows the number of vehicle traffic coming to Flushing. The 1970s saw the China community establish a position in the area whose demographic composition was not Hispanic whites but intermingled with a smaller Japanese community. These Taiwanese immigrants arrived first and established Flushing's Chinatown. By the start if the 21st century, the area had grounded its stance as a global cultural melting pot thereby interesting migration from Asia and more so from China’s provinces and other newcomers from across the world.
Covering about 853 acres, the area has a population density of 84.4 in every acre. By 2010, the area was inhabited by approximately 72,008 people. The area has a demographic composition of about 6,831 whites, 3,016 African Americans, 74 Native Americans, 48.830 Asians, 59 Pacific Islanders, 172 other races, 1,303 two or more races and 10,723 Hispanics or Latinos (Grieco et al 1). To me, I could not say the town belonged to one particular people but merely dominated by Asians.
The area’s culinary provisions impressed me. From my observation, the demographic composition implies the town is widely dominated by Chinese people, the original inhabitants of the area, according to research, were the Matinecoc Indians. It is believed that these Indians lived in Flushing long before the white colonies were established in the United States. The majority of the current Chinese Inhabitants in Flushing only moved in the city in the 1970s when they started to develop the Flushing China Town (Zhou 227). A high population of Chinese people in the area has resulted in the dominance of Chinese culture in the area, with the most notable Chinese cultural element in the city being the Chinese cuisine (Feldman Paragraph 1).
The city acts as one of the major pivots of New York State’s economy. Regarded as one of the biggest commercial and retail areas in New York, the neighborhood is ranked as the 4th biggest central business area in the state with a median income of $39,804 (Grieco et al 1). Various economic activities sustain this income, the major ones being the retailing and restaurant business. The restaurants, which majorly prepare Chinese foods, are known for attracting people from other neighbors who ar...
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