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The Potential Threat of Artificial Intelligence Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:
  • Tse, Terence, and Mark Esposito. "Why AI Isn't the Threat We Think It is." Duke Corporate Education, 1 June 2018, Accessed 30 Jan. 2020.
  • Ash, Thomas. "Man Vs. Machine: Why AI is Not a Threat to Human Jobs." DATAVERSITY, 12 Dec. 2019, Accessed 30 Jan. 2020.
  • Taylor, Anne. "AI, Automation Emerge As Critical Tools for Cybersecurity." CIO, 22 Jan. 2020, Accessed 30 Jan. 2020.

in AI very crucial because without humans, AI would not exist nor would it advance.

  • Bennet, Steve. 4 Ways Government can Use AI to Track Coronavirus. GCN. 2020. Accessed March 9,            2020.
  • Buest, Rene. Artificial Intelligence is not a Threat to Human Society. CIO. 2018. Accessed March 9, 2020.
  • Tegmark, Max. Benefits and Risks of Artificial Intelligence. Future of Life. 2016. Accessed March 9, 2020.
  • Ted Talk. “Will AI Take Over Humanity’s Future?” YouTube, May 23, 2019.
  • Tracy, Watson. "Artificial intelligence vs. Human intelligence-Which one you'd prefer to hire" Skywell Software, 16 Oct 2019,
  • Sakshi, Gupta. "Google vs. Amazon vs. Microsoft vs. Facebook-Who is leading the AI race?" Springboard. 10 May 2019.
  • Divya, Bhushan. "Artificial Intelligence vs Human Intelligence: Humans, not machines, will build the future" Springboard, 28 Feb 2020.


I. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence will not threat this world

A. Technological innovation has taken over the world and continues to define every aspect of human life

B. . Artificial intelligence in computer science and prove that the notion that robots may one day take over the world is unlikely.

C. Artificial Intelligence is not a threat to human beings because it is created by human beings and this gives them ultimate control.

II. Why is AI considered a potential threat to human beings?

A. the different explanations put forward by organizations and individuals who claim that AI is a threat.

  • III. What prospects do AI have in value-addition to future human populations?

A. analyze the important role of AI as technology continues to advance

IV. In what ways are human beings superior to AI and what does this mean for the threat of AI takeover?

A. the information from the first two to determine the role of humans in the development of AI and why they are superior to computers. I plan to use information from different literal sources which provide the evidence needed to answer my research questions..

V. Conclusion

A. I will thoroughly review the selected sources and note down the arguments put forth. I will also find literature that supports the contrary opinion to provide a balanced review of my research. By answering the three questions, I will prove that human being is indeed superior to machines and that in as much as AI will change certain aspects of business, it does not pose a threat to human beings because its existence is reliant on human expertise.


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The Potential Threat of Artificial Intelligence
In the modern world, digital life is augmenting human capabilities and disrupting some of the traditional activities. The emergence of code-driven systems has changed the way people interact and perform activities. From Siri to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence (AI) has been advancing over the years. A majority of the sci-fi films often display AI robots equipped with human-like capabilities, which does not offer a complete picture of what AI entails. Indeed, AI can include anything from a search algorithm to autonomous weapons. As AI evolves, questions have emerged on whether it is the best or worst thing that has ever happened to humankind. Some people have indicated that AI threatens human life and hence should be discouraged. However, AI is not a potential threat to human-like and should hence be embraced.
I. AI does not threaten the world
Technological innovation has taken over the world and continues to define every aspect of human life. Over the years, technology has revolutionized the world and the way people live. It has brought amazing tools and resources that have made life easier. Through modern technology, has led to the emergence of multi-functional devices that are faster, more portable, and high-powered (Marr). Technology has defined the way people meet one another, shop, engage in entertainment, and communicate. Technology has taken over our lives even for tasks that seem basic. For instance, before the advancement of the Internet, one had to search through a dictionary to get the meaning of words. However, today most people use a dictionary app or search for the meaning of words on the Internet. The emergence of search engines like Google and Bing has made it possible to search for practically anything on the Internet. It is undeniable that technology will continue to revolutionize lives as more people embrace it. It is unbelievable how technology has become part of human life. In the future, human beings will be more dependent on technology. Future technologies will transform lives in unbelievable ways.
The notion that AI, as a branch of computer science, is likely to take over the world is unlikely. The view on if AI will take over the world depends on whether people consider it able to create intelligent behavior that can surpass human intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is not a threat to human beings because it is created by human beings. The intelligence in machines is input by human beings. The learning process of machines is guided by humans. The existence of AI is meant to solve particular problems (Tse and Esposito). For instance, driverless care solves the issue of transport, while a search algorithm enables people to search for information on the Internet. This demonstrates that AI exists to address a particular problem. People create AI to address the challenges they face in particular areas. Hence, it is not possible that AI will get out of control and dominate human beings. The notion that this is likely to happen exists in sci-fi films that show robotics that has taken over the world. However, this is unlikely and human beings will remain in control of what they have created. Hence, no matt...
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