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2 pages/≈550 words
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Research Paper
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Management Information System (MIS) Group Project: Fast Cart / Smart Cart

Research Paper Instructions:

This is a group project that involves 5 different people. Our idea is fast cart/smart cart. My part of this project is the details concerning the solution - technology and people of the fast cart/smart cart. One of the students already submitted his part of the project(Cost and benefits of the fast cart). Sources are completely up to you, but the links must work. I have attached an example of a previous project by other students and information provided by the instructor. If you have any questions, please let me know. Again, my part is only the details concerning the solution - technology and people of the smart cart/fast cart idea.which is what I need you to come up with. Thank you.

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Smart Carts
Shopping is one of the most common activities that every other homestead is used to; relative to the fact it forms part of the family chores (Gangwal, Roy and Bapat). Every so often people go out shopping to provide for their needs in their homes, in terms of foods and other basic necessities. Relative to the level of income, different people will have differing budgets to work with. For most people basic needs play a crucial role in their shopping habits. However, one of the aspects that is associated with shopping is the tedious process of getting items from the shelves and making sure that one has the right items in their carts before their get to the cashier. Smart carts help with refining the element of shopping by refining the basic processes of decision making (Gangwal, Roy and Bapat).
Smart carts are all in one approach, where they help the customers to track their spending and effortlessly make decisions over what they will take home from the shelves. Having a shopping list is one thing, but the actual shopping process is actually quite complex and dependent on a number of aspects. The idea of having to return some of the items to the shelves because they come over and above the budgeted amount is all too common (Gangwal, Roy and Bapat). Smart carts come in to streamline the process, by ensuing that the consumers have the ability to evaluate their budget in real time. As one picks the products from the shelves they are able to track the costs of the same. This further plays into the element of payments, where the consumers are able to pay for the products in an expedient manner instead of queuing up which can be quite time wasting.
Wireless sensor networks is the approach that is in use with the smart carts. This is a system that uses sensors and the...
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