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How Feminism Relate to the World

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It is a class called Women Study.

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Name Instructor’s Name Course Date How Feminism Relate to the World Introduction Globalization is changing the perception of what used to be a conservative world. Equality is the song every one desires to hear and sing on a daily basis. The desire for equality has led to feminism; where the economic, social and political contributions of both women and men are deemed equal. Also, feminism is known as a political movement that advocates for the rights and social equality of the roles of both sexes in the society (Leffingwell 2018). The roles can be at workplaces, schools, and other cultural spheres of human life; where it is perceived that the women equally contribute to the growth of all sectors of life. The feminist movement's primary objective is to ensure that women's rights and freedom are respected. Feminism movement is driven by people who believe that men and women are equal, feminist activists (Filipovic 2018). Through the activists, the movement continues to fight against discrimination against women in the society (Leffingwell 2018). The women can now walk freely and safely without fear of sexual harassment or any other form of gender-based violence. The women have a right to own property, vote and be voted, hold public offices as leaders, enter into legal contracts, have equal pay at the workstations, among other rights (Grady 2018). All these rights have been achieved through feminism movement. Feminism though has achieved much for women; people still do not understand its impacts on the world. History of Feminism In understanding the origin, the progress and achievements of feminism in the world today, its history must be properly understood. Feminism movement began in 1848 and is still gaining more momentum in the fight for women’s rights (Grady 2018). The history of feminism is divided into three phases; the phases are referred to as waves. The first wave began in 1848 and ended in 1920, it was concerned with women’s right to vote; the movement was famously known as suffrage movement. The second wave began in 1963 to 1980s; it was concerned with women’s legal and social rights; what is known as women’s liberation movement. The third phase began in 1991 and was a continuation of the second wave. In the third wave, the failures of the second wave were addressed. First wave (1848-1920) The first wave occurred in the late 19th and early 20th century, the suffragettes' movements. This was a West's political movement and the first to be sustained by women in history. In the first wave, daring women would protest in a number of ways, including walking and lecturing fellow women on their right to vote (Grady 2018). The activists who led this wave were constantly arrested, ridiculed by the public and sometimes face violence from the public domain (Graddy 2018). The Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 which was held in a church in upstate New York marked the beginning of the first wave (Finnerly 2017). In the convention, the women discussed their rights, civil, religious and social condition. From the convention, women resolved that they had a right to vote and henceforth will pursue the right (National Park Service 2018). The convention was led by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton who believed people have a u...
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