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5 pages/≈1375 words
10 Sources
Life Sciences
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Amur Leopard: Habitat, Reproduction, Mortality, Life Span

Research Paper Instructions:

Description of Content: The content of this assignment will include information on life history and management considerations for an animal species. Life history includes information about the animal’s distribution, habitat, reproduction, survival/mortality, diet, life span, etc.  Management considerations include management goals, management options appropriate for meeting those goals, and how life history information is/was/can be used to determine the appropriate management options.
Length: The content of the paper will not exceed 5 pages in length. This does not include Literature Cited or tables and figures appropriate to the content of the paper. The challenge should not be in finding enough material to fill 5 pages, but rather, it should be in finding a way to efficiently condense the pertinent information into only 5 pages.
Format: The paper will be written as if for submission to the Journal of Wildlife Management but without an abstract or key words. Because this paper is not structured like typical JWM papers, the major sections (1st –level headings) should be the introduction (no heading), LIFE HISTORY, MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS, and LITERATURE CITED. Any 2nd- or 3rd-level headings may be used at your discretion and might include examples like Distribution and Habitat, Reproduction, Diet, etc. Instructions for JWM are at Margins will be 1-inch on all sides, and spacing may either be 1.5 or double-spaced.
References: Use as many references as you need, but at least 10 references must be used in this paper. At least six of those references must come from scientific journals (e.g., Journal of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Bulletin, Ecology, Journal of Mammalogy, Journal of Herpetology, Auk, etc.). They are the preferred reference type for this project. Any books cited should be of the type that summarizes and cites information from the scientific literature. Encyclopedias and websites are not appropriate references. For the LITERATURE CITED section, imitate the format for the references listed at the end of the author instructions (at the above URL). 

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
It is a common notion that the leopards are only found in the savanna grasslands in parts of Africa. However, there is a rare subspecies that is highly adapted for the temperate forests called the Amur leopard. Unlike most of the other savanna leopards in Africa this subspecies is found in Russia towards the southeastern parts (ScienceDaily). It is also found in some parts of china especially in the northeast. It one of the rarest leopards remaining relative to the fact that, there is an estimated less than a hundred adults living in the wild. Making one of the most endangered species. It is a nocturnal creature, meaning that it hunts and night; it also hunts alone (Brakefield and Shoemaker). It can be distinguished from the rest of the leopards from the rosettes that are widely spaced and have thick black borders. Scientifically, the leopard belongs to the kingdom Animalia, phylum chordata, class Mammalia, Order Carnivora, Family Felidae and it is referred to as Panthera Pardus subspecies Orientalis.
Relative to the fact that the animal is endangered, the distribution of the same has been quite scarce across Asia and Russia. The distribution of the leopard has been reduced to a fraction of what it used to be. This is an animal that is largely adapted to the temperate forests and is mostly found in china and Russia (ARKive). In china, it is found in the northeastern part, especially in the Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces. In some of the cases the animal has been to roam the Korean peninsula. In Russia, the leopard’s range has also been largely reduced (Ryan-Herndon). This is an aspect that started out in the seventies and has gone for decades until recently when the animal was considered to be endangered. In Russia more than 80% of the animal’s range has been lost. Most of the animals that have been documented in Russia are found Primorsky Krai Province and between the Chinese border to Vladivostok. It is estimated that the only surviving population is less than 60 animals occupying less than 5000km2.
This is one of the aspects that have caused the decline in the animal’s population across Russia and China. As animals are constantly threatened by humans’ encroachment and frequent conflicts, the population of the animal has continually declined from the interactions. As mentioned earlier in the paper the leopard is highly adapted to live in the temperate forests mainly in the far eastern parts of Russia and the northeastern parts of china (ARKive). These are habitats that experience harsh winters with extreme cold (Uphyrkina). The forests are also characterized by deep snow and when the summers come they tend to very hot also. Even within the temperate forests, the leopard tends to favor places that have relative cover, for their ability to provide better hunting grounds (Bright Hub).
For the Amur Leopard, they tend to breed during the early summer periods and in the springs. Animals that are between the ages of two and three are on the onset of the sexual maturity and remain sexually reproductive even after they are ten or fifteen years of age (ARKive). It is also at the age of two to t...
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