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1 page/≈275 words
2 Sources
Literature & Language
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Mexican Culture; Quinceanera Rites of Passage

Research Paper Instructions:

Responses must be numbered and include complete sentences & paragraph format.
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following questions must be answered:
1. what is the ritual? provide a brief overview or description.
2. what is your experience with the ritual?
3. what is the meaning of the ritual
4. whenis it typically help?
5. who is involed in the ritual?
6. Why do you consider it a rite of passage?

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Students Name Professors Name Course Code and Name Date Mexican Culture; Quinceanera Rites of Passage 1 The quinceanera rite of passage is performed when a Latina girl turns fifteen years as a way of marking her transition into womanhood. It is a family and community celebration whereby; the girl handles fifteen candles to the people that she considers most important in her life. She, in turn, makes a speech to address each of the people that she has given the candle. It also involves a lot of dancing, and at the end, the female relatives pick ribbons from a bunch which has charms, and one of them has a ring. It is symbolic of womanhood because the birthday is celebrated differently (González-Martin 2016). 2 I went through the ritual, and it is fascinating how much praise you get for having turned into a woman. Every attention was directed to me, and I felt a s...
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