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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Research Proposal
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 4.32

Factors Associated With Teenagers Nutrition And Healthy Lifestyles

Research Proposal Instructions:

2. Outline. In your "Study and Writing Aids" folder there is a file on writing an outline. Feel free to use that as a guide.
3. As I just told one of your colleagues in a 1:1 session, "We meet through our intellectual engagement with each other." Your ability to present your ideas in a manner where they are accessible to an audience outside of yourself and your immediate peers indicates a certain mastery of a subject/theme.
Your abstracts gave me a sense of the area in which you would like to focus your research.
The outline, which can be framed in simple sentences/paragraphs, and or cohesive bullet points hones that information to indicate that A., you have done some further investigation on your subject area; and B., that you have some (bibliographic) references to support your argument, frame of inquiry, interests, and investigation.
As previously stated, our field, Food Studies is inherently multidisciplinary. Bibliographies can be hybrid, and include academic sources, popular culture, film, journalism, cookbooks, literature, hard science, et cetera. It will need to have 5 academic (peer reviewed) sources. Most likely you will end up with 10, no more than 20 sources, (that will fall into this mix of disciplines and styles).
Putting your thoughts and research focus on paper, with references indicating how you intend to flesh out your inquiry helps me to understand how you are thinking, conducting research and finding data/answers. If and when I am knowledgable in your respective areas of intent, I will weigh in and share potential source materials or scholars. Again, this is where, if you are not finding adequate data, you may reach out to Melissa Beuoy, our FS subject librarian in Bobst, https://library(dot)nyu(dot)edu/people/melissa-beuoy/. She won't do your homework, but may give you a roadmap on how to look and find what you need.
*One structural change! I have opened an portal for uploading submissions as opposed to the Syllabus notation of supplying hard copy on Nov 13th.
Hopefully this helps you "whittle" down your initial ideas as seen in the Abstract, and reformulate them into an outline. You should be thinking of presentation too. How does this all play out as a Digital Humanities project, not just a research paper? What tools do I have to work with that would not have been available to me, were it solely a written 10-25 page paper?

Research Proposal Sample Content Preview:

Story Map Outline- Factors Associated with teenagers Nutrition and healthy lifestyles
I. Introduction
Background: Health promotion ought to consider the environmental influences on nutrition and participation physical activities.
Thesis: Environmental factors like: parental support, knowledge on nutrition and healthy lifestyle, affordability of healthy food options, the availability and accessibility of healthy foods are linked to making healthy lifestyle choices among teenagers.
II. Parental support
The family environment influences nutrition and participation in physical activities as teenagers learn from their surroundings is proven that if the parents practice physical exercise or some sport on a regular basis, then the adolescent children practice it to a greater extent.
Eating habits and lifestyle choices
Children, who grow up in a family with unhealthy eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle, have a risk higher being overweight or obese in his youth.
Behavior change
Parents influence development of healthy behaviors
II. Apathy
Lack of concern
Despite emphasis on the importance ...
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