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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
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Social Sciences
Research Proposal
English (U.S.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 14.58

Congressional Committiees and Importance of Member Strategic Placement

Research Proposal Instructions:

This proposal should include, at minimum, 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly sources no more than 10 years old on your topic of interest. . This assignment should be 2-3 pages in length. Your thesis statement should be the first paragraph, and the remainder of your paper should briefly
discuss the current state of the literature on your topic and a brief plan for answering the questions asked in the research paper assignment.
1. Discuss the history and current state of the peer-reviewed, academic literature. Have there been contradictions in findings? What research do you find to be the most compelling? Why?
• This is essentially a literature review discussing the major findings of all of the recent research. “Recent” is defined as no more than 15 years old. You can absolutely cite an older work if it is considered a seminal work, but you must have at least 15 peer-reviewed, academic sources that are less than 15 years old.
• Consider any growth or improvement in the research, as well as changes in findings, over time.
• This should make up the majority of your paper.
2. Discuss the role of Christian statesmanship in your topic choice. Cite Scriptures where relevant.
3. Consider your topic through the lens of the policy-making process.
• How does your chosen topic relate to the policy-making process in Congress?

Research Proposal Sample Content Preview:

Congressional Committees and the Importance of Member Strategic Placement

Literature on Congressional Committees and Member Strategic Placement
Member strategic placement in the congressional committees allows the members to influence interests that they prioritize, and the members may have links to lobbying coalitions that prioritize the same interests. Lobbyists and interest groups do influence the legislative proposals that are more likely to get considered by the committee and affect agenda setting since the committee members are informed about the bills (Lorenz, 2020). The influence of interest groups partly depends on who they target and lobbying efforts that set the agenda and shape the legislators' perceptions about one or more policies.
Chairs of the appropriations subcommittees or cardinals tend to influence funding for their constituents and the subcommittees where they chair, and this is mostly in the case of key committees (Berry &Fowler, 2015). In a follow-up study in 2018 (Berry & Fowler), highlighted that members who became committee chairs in relevant committees became more powerful where such co...
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