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History of Infinity and Beyond

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History of Infinity and beyond
Regarding the world’s history, civilization is an evolving part of human lives, which has an impact on the lives of human beings. Under the scope of civilization, there is proof that infinity used to exist during ancient times. The Greeks regarded the birth of infinity as an aspect of philosophy. Anaximander, for this matter on infinity, used the term apeiron in an attempt to provide a definition for infinity. Infinity was therefore, described by Anaximander, as a negative word explaining how the universe originated from a scenario of chaos. In understanding infinity and beyond, the purpose of this paper is to describe the preliminary research proposal on the history of infinity and beyond. The proposal outlines the proposed research topic, assumptions, key research questions, methodologies of conducting the research, and expectations. The research's main aim is to understand the origin of various perceptions underlying the history of infinity and beyond, more specifically, the impact of infinity
The idea of infinity is always interpreted in multiple ways within society (Batchelor 4). Mathematical perceptions of infinity portray the complexity of the concept of infinity. The Pythagoreans in Greece, for example, experienced the horror of incommensurable in mathematics. Pythagoreans experienced difficulties when they discovered numbers which are irrational and thus, impossible to represent as a ratio in form of natural numbers. An alternative explanation for irrational numbers, are those containing many decimal places, which are infinite. Philosophers and theologians, however, consider infinity as the representation of God and eternity (Seppänen 272). Historically, some tribes thought numbers greater than three to be uncountable and hence infinite (Batchelor 3). Greeks primarily influenced the study of the concept of infinity. Moreover, the Greeks significantly pioneered various mathematical processes. The Greeks believed that based on the history of infinity, it is essential to establish its impact on culture and sociology. Similarly, research on the history of infinity and beyond, therefore, informs the study of the connections between infinity, social aspects, and cultures. This research will therefore, be based on several assumptions. For instance, the research assumes that most discoveries on infinity were established in the 17th century. Another assumption is that the concept of infinity is progressively evolving. The topic of the research is a cultural and sociological study of the history of infinity and beyond. Moreover, the topic is essential to understand the origin of disputes that exists in perceptions of the concept of infinity. The research is interesting since it enhances our understanding of diverse concepts of infinity.
Critical questions on this research proposal include why does Ancient Greek society abhorrence the notion of infinity, and why is the 17th century the most critical period for the study of infinity? Wha...
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