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Research Project Paper. Implementing Agile Practices in Human Resource in Visual Effects Industry.

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Implementing Agile Practices in Human Resource in Visual Effects Industry
Arthur’s Name:
Institution Affiliation:
The purpose of this research paper is to explore the potential of human resource agility and resolution of promoting productivity and reducing cost .Agile human resources refer to the way of working and organizing of the activities associating with a human resource which enhances the adaptability and approachability of activities within an organization. Agile practices are essential in running and managing of both local and international projects because it facilitates flexibility of the workforce in an organization to operate by demand trends in the market. Agile practices are necessary to human resources because not only in implementing standards and controls in an organization but also it facilitates strategies and programs that are useful in refining the organizational, collaboration, innovation as well in decision making..
The introduction of agile practices has several benefits compared to the traditional approaches t used by the Human resources in executing the standards and controls of an organization. For instance, the introduction of technology in managing and running the business market has promoted and boosted international collaboration on projects. Also, technology has increased the level of competition in the international. Therefore, to develop sustainable strategies for surviving in the struggle of the market, human resources required to come up and employ different expertise from all around the world to meet the product quality standards. Human resource plays an important role in this field by ensuring that all requirements are met for the effective production of the given enterprise. There is a need for implementing agile practices to enable and empower human resources professionals to manage complex projects effectively as well as enhancing the adaptability and strengthening of the organization. To manage complex specifically, in the visual effects industry, there's been challenges such as high costs and shortage of local human resources and uncertain project scale. It is time for human resource management to go agile to meet the increasing demand for productivity and effectiveness. This study is focused on the human resource management agility and the methodologies to improve industry productivity.
Problem statement
There is a problem with human resource management in the visual effects industry. There has an increase in the compilation of information that needs to be made available to the speakers and the people of disabilities. With the ever-increasing demand for the high-end visual effects, the global postproduction companies are under pressure to deliver all the works in time. These creative works are all done by human resources so that the capacity of every studio is really limited. There is a problem with the current project resource procurement management here. Companies need a lot more freelancers and regularly request employees to work overtime to accommodate the director's change request. Many companies struggle to manage the project well because of their limited capability.
The Audiovisual industry has been observed to be experien...
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