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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
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Social Sciences
Term Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Global Trends and Challenges

Term Paper Instructions:
I am attaching the reading material for this paper and the rubric for use when answering the questions listed below: Question 1: Reflecting back on our Global Trends and Challenges class (theorist readings, class discussion, and practical exercise), answer the following question (in paragraph form). Ensure you use the attached rubric when answering the question. In your opinion, what is the most significant concept or theory dealing with globalization you learned today? Why? Question 2: Reflecting back on our Global Trends and Challenges class (theorist readings, class discussion, and practical exercise), answer the following question (in paragraph form). Ensure you use the attached rubric when answering the question. How has studying these concepts or theories changed your view of the world? Each individual journal will be assessed on a scale of 1-100 using the provided rubric.
Term Paper Sample Content Preview:
Global Trends and Challenges Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Global Trends and Challenges Question 1: a) Individual Empowerment. The significance of this concept is based on the fact that it effects and causes most of other trends. It may include; rapid economic growth in developing countries, global economy expansion, exploitation of new manufacturing and communication technologies. In the next 15-20 years, the middle class will be the most important economic and social sector in many countries around the world (Global trends 2030 alternative worlds, 2012). It, therefore, makes individual initiative the most important factor in solving the many global challenges faced today and in the next 15-20 years. Individual development will lead to greater poverty reduction, great educational attainment, better health care and the massive growth of global middle class. Individual empowerment will also enhance greater access to lethal and disruptive technologies by people and groups which will enable them to penetrate large-scale violence, something possible to a monopoly of states in the past (Global trends 2030 alternative worlds, 2012). The convergence of breakthroughs in technology will drastically influence individual's abilities to create change in the society. Individual empowerment poses greater significance ranging from the convergence of technologies to proliferation of tools that are available to many which will cause significant transformation in economies and societies. It will result in huge opportunities for productivity and welfare gains. On the other hand, societal disruptions may lead to a further rise in unemployment and increased inequalities. b) Diffusion of power This is another significant concept in global tre...
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