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My Internship at Allied Millennial Partners

Term Paper Instructions:

I have included a instruction in the attachment, please follow the instructions carefully

This reflection is an opportunity for you to reflect upon your internship experience as a whole, and to carry its learnings forward as you consider your professional career. Use the concepts/ideas discussed in the HBR articles (accessible through Columbia Libraries) Build a Career Worth Having Actions, Managing Oneself (Links to an external site.), and How Will You Measure Your Life? (Links to an external site.) along with your internship experience to respond to the following question: “How did your internship influence or shape your future career goals?”

While addressing the question, be sure that your reflection includes the following:

What were your accomplishments? How do you view your development as an aspiring professional in this field?

Were there any areas for improvement? If so, what were they?

What did you learn about yourself? 

What components of the core curriculum emerged at your internship placement?

Citing the literature and other resources, explain what surprised you about your observations on the field? What evidence matched your expectations?

This final paper should be 3-4 pages in length (up to 2000 words) and accurately reference core concepts and readings. 

I am now intern in a investment banking department under the company called 

Allied Millennial Partners, LLC.

A great investment banking analyst will do the job include: PowerPoint for Pitch Books and Other Presentations: 40-50%, Random and Administrative Tasks: 10-20%, Excel-Based Financial Modeling and Valuation: 30-40%

I have included some powerpoint I have done in the attachments. Please look at them and refer to them if needed. For some other requirements, you can just make them up, just make sure it fits with my job.

The link for Managing Oneself (Links to an external site.),

and How Will You Measure Your Life? (Links to an external site.)


Term Paper Sample Content Preview:

My Internship at Allied Millennial Partners
As an intern in an investment banking department at Allied Millennial Partners, LLC. I have acquired numerous significant lessons that steer me toward success in my career. In particular, Allied Millennial Partners offers independent financial services, and its headquarters are in Three World Financial Center, New York City. The company provides a broad range of services, including insurance, total portfolio solutions, investment banking, and individual equity investments. Allied Millennial Partners has dedicated professionals with financial expertise and is ready to serve its clients.
My internship at Allied Millennial Partners has significantly influenced or shaped my career goals. By working in the investment banking department, I have managed to apply theories and concepts learned in the classroom to real-life situations. For instance, I know how to do a company analysis by considering things, such as a firm overview, sales and revenues, major competitors, value chain, operational objectives, strategic objectives, upstream, midstream, and downstream operations. In addition, I understand how to determine growth opportunities, expanding investments, key risks, and leveraged buyout viability. All these aspects are crucial to determine whether a company is well-positioned to pursue a merger and acquisition strategy. As such, knowing the critical elements to consider when evaluating whether a merger and acquisition are possible significantly influences my career positively.
Being an intern at Allied Millennial Partners has enabled me to compare initial public offerings (IPOs) of various financial institutions. They include Chime, Stripe, Klarna, Instacart, Databricks, Discord, and Reddit. I researched and obtained crucial information about these firms, such as their valuation, primary business, product line, current profitability, and potential competitors. Another factor that was vital to consider is the effects of pandemic-driven lockdowns on these companies. Other activities that I undertook during my internship are performing a company overview, valuation summary, analyst estimates, and SWOT analysis. The most significant thing that I have learned is that when one combines all the information about a specific firm, it is clear to determine whether one should invest or not since an individual knows the risk associated with that financial decision.
I have accomplished numerous things as an intern at Allied Millennial Partners. I am confident that I am on the right path to being a great investment banking analyst. I see my career as a series of stepping stones as opposed to a linear trajectory (Koloc 2). So far, I know how to prepare PowerPoint for Pitch Books and other crucial presentations. For instance, after doing a company analysis, I prepare presentations for potential investors. I am conversant with excel-based financial modeling and valuation. Besides, investors want to see projections of the profit or loss probability before they decide whether to invest or not. As an aspiring financial analyst, I perceive myself as progressing, and I am sure that the direction I have taken will lead to success.
My internship has helped me improve in various areas, namely PowerPoint pre...
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