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2 pages/≈550 words
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Annotated Bibliography
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Curfews Assignemnt American Journal Of Preventive Medicine

Annotated Bibliography Instructions:

Each citation includes a brief (about 100 words) description and evaluation of the source.
I just want to illustrate the influence of curfews:
I want to show these 5 concepts:
1. What is the effect of curfew on adults
2. What is the effect of curfew on children
3. What is their aims about curfewing
4. What is the effect of curfew on people's physical and mental health
5. What different views about different age groups

Annotated Bibliography Sample Content Preview:
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Grossman, Elyse., & Miller, Nancy. A systematic review of the impact of juvenile curfew laws on public health and justice outcomes. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 49(2015)6:945-951
The article by Grossmann and Miller describes the significance of juvenile curfew laws in addressing important juvenile justice and public health issues in the United States. The authors identify that over 800,000 injuries and deaths among youths are caused by automobile accidents. Restricting the times youths access streets and public places will significantly reduce crime and improve juvenile justice and public health. This article will be an important resource to examine the contributions of juvenile curfew laws. The paper analyzes evidence collected from 14 studies and assesses the impact of these laws on victimization or crime rates and the health outcomes among the youths. In general, this paper will answer the question on the impact of curfews not only among children, but also on the public.
Kline, Patrick. The impact of juvenile curfew laws on arrests of youth and adults. American Law and Economics Review, 14(2012):44-67
Patrick’s article is published by the Oxford University Press. It appears in the Journal of American Law and Economic Review. This article appraises the success of curfew ordinances among the youths as an important policy tool to be exploited by the local police departments. Through the analysis, the author compares the arrest behaviors of different age groups in cities before and after the enactment of the curfew laws. The conclusion drawn by the author indicate that curfews are instrumental in reducing both property and violent crimes often committed by children who are under the legal curfew age. In addition, Patrick’s study shows that arrests among youth and adults above the curfew age, though insignificant, can be reduced by enacting these laws. This study will contribute to the present research that seeks to examine the effect of curfews on adults.
Hall, Clement. Intifada: Medical and social consequences. New York: Lulu, 2009. Print.
In Hall’s book “Intifada”, the effects social and health consequences of the Palestine uprising are explored. During the uprising, curfews affected thousands of people who were denied access to their homes for days. More than 550 houses were demolished...
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