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2 pages/≈550 words
1 Source
Literature & Language
Article Critique
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 7.2

The Facts In The Case Of M. Valdemar Summary

Article Critique Instructions:

Freshmen level. I uploaded the instruction as pictures. Please follow the instruction. about the quotes, one or two in every body paragraph, but no more than 4. The first picture is the instruction and the second one is the main idea that i choose. i wrote the thesis and just make some modification.https://www(dot)eapoe(dot)org/works/tales/vldmard.htm this website is the material of the article that I am going to write. “the facts in the case of M.Valdemar" this is the title of the subject if you cant find the material. it will shows up when you google it. thank you sooo much
Please read the instruction paper carefully. I upload the instruction paper as a picture. It clear says that need to explain the quotes to support the Main idea. There no need to have paraphrasing. Beacause the quotes need to be explained, it won't be the last sentence of one paragraph. Just please read the instruction paper.

Article Critique Sample Content Preview:

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Literary Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe’s
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April 19, 2017
Edgar Allan Poe’s The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar is perhaps one of the greatest tales written that utilized the technique of realism. This feat is very evident because by the time that it was published, people did believe that the story was a real-life account of how death can be ‘delayed’, despite the fact that it was inevitable. In this article, the main focus of the authors would be to describe the elements of realism that made this tale a very convincing one. More particularly, the author believe that these elements are (1) the specificity of the facts and information as laid out in the book and (3) the vividness of the P’s description in the story.
Specific Details
In terms of its specificity, it is undeniable that the narrator’s (P) description of his patient and procedures provide specific details that are similar to what standard medical procedures do. Perhaps, this specificity is the most unique feature of this tale, that did not exist (or rarely existed) in any other tales during those times. Couple this with the mysterious author of the article and the result would be an essay that is deeply characterized by a realistic essence, which in turn, forces its readers to believe in the tale.
As early as the beginning of the story, this characteristic of specificity could already be seen as the author P., describes his patient “M. Valdemar, who has resided principally at Harlem, N.Y., since the year 1839” CITATION Poe15 \l 1033 (Poe, 2015). From this, what is noticeable is that, just as any real-life medical records, the transcription is almost the same with how it should be. Aside from this, the element of...
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