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Book Review
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Do something - He's about to snap. Social Sciences Book Review

Book Review Instructions:

Write a review about the article that included summarize,analyze and conclusion

Book Review Sample Content Preview:

Do Something – He’s About to Snap
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Do Something – He’s About to Snap
Eileen Roche’s “Do Something – He’s About to Snap” portrays how Max Dyer’s coworkers were convinced that their colleague was losing his grip, and they were begging the management to take the right action. However, Max had not done anything wrong. Nicole Ianucci was the one who initiated a conversation about Max’s change of behavior. Nicole told her coworkers that she saw Max in the line of a prescription counter and that he was about to encounter a mental breakdown. One of the employees, Derek, noted that seeing Max at the drug store was not a concern since he might be having a cold and was getting antipsychotics. The conversation among these coworkers continued until they began talking about the Seattle incident, where a worker carried a 38-caliber pistol in the workplace and shot others before he committed suicide (Roche, 2003). Nicole further noted that Max’s behaviors were similar to that of the person who killed his colleagues, and that is the reason why everyone should be worried about his change in personality.
Although employees should keep track of their colleagues’ behavior, it is not good to judge loners’ personalities, particularly if they are not a threat. Not all people like socializing with others, and that does not mean that these individuals pose a danger to others. Lynne Tabor, one of the human resource managers, says that Max had an excellent work ethic and that he was a hard worker. Moreover, Max’s job performance was impressive, and he was always at his office before 7:00 am (Roche, 2003). As such, Lynne was aware of Max’s poor interpersonal communication skills and was used to it. Despite Lynne’s involvement in the conversation that involved Max’s change of behavior, the individual was not convinced that Max was violent or that he was on edge. Bearing in mind about the possible employees’ layoffs in Mailing Machines International (MMI), Lynne’s perception was that Max’s coworkers were looking for ways to get him fired.
The growing uneasiness about Max’s behavior was not to be ignored since some employees, such as Paige, said that they failed to report to work during weekends since they feared being left in the office with Max alone (Roche, 2003). That showed that if the problem remained unaddressed for an extended period, it could have significant adverse effects on MMI workers’ productivity. In particular, Lynne had a dilemma and did not know the right action to take. On the one side, the firm cannot fire Max since he had done nothing wrong. If by any case, MMI sacked Max and he hired an attorney, the firm might become penalized for firing a worker who had an outstanding performance and who had not posed any threat to anyone. On the other hand, if Lynne did nothing, and Max engages in violence, other workers can sue MMI for the negligence of taking the right action...
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