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2 pages/≈550 words
2 Sources
Communications & Media
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Values at Stake with Moral Problems

Case Study Instructions:

Review your presentation and answer the following questions:
1. Which of your values are at stake based on whether the ultimate decisionmaker accepts your recommended solution?
2. How important are these values to you?
3. If you were to give these values up, what would the gain be?
4. fter the ultimate decision maker has heard your presentation, this person has said that it lacks thoroughness and that the organization should take more time to analyze the situation. What, if anything, do you think the hidden meaning is?
5. How will you proceed? In particular:
a. Will you stay with the organization?
b.If so, what else, if anything, will you say or do to keep attention on the moral problem?
c. For what reasons?

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Journal 13
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Journal 13
These values are essential because they determine how I view and address issues. I am a value-driven person, and any violation of my values affects who I am as an individual. Without values, I believe that it would be challenging to operate in the world. It would be impossible to trust anyone, which would make it challenging for organizations to thrive. Hence, I hold these values because they allow me to make the world better.
If I were to give up these values, I would conform to the norm. The move would allow me to avoid problems with individuals who are not ready to embrace a value-based system. I would find it difficult to survive in an organization that does not recognize the essence of values. I would no longer need to be standing firm and confronting people, especially superiors who do not think values are important. In other words, conforming to the prevailing circumstances would help me to reduce opposition.
If the organization believes that it needs to take more time to analyze the situation presented, then this is an indicator that no action will be taken. Managers tend to ignore addressing concerns raised by employees (Young, Glazer & Siver, 2018). Avoiding confronting an issue means that the ultimate decision-maker does not want to address the problem. Taking more time implies that the organization tolerates the same problem. In this regard, the business would continue facing the same problem. The management may be communicating that it cannot deal with the issue and hence choose to remain silent.
The failure ...
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