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4 pages/β‰ˆ1100 words
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Case Study
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Finding a Distribution System: The Case of Hylux

Case Study Instructions:

- To analyze the case properly, you must focus on both the issues faced by and the environment surrounding the organization featured in the case.
- 1) consider and analyze the critical SCM issues facing an organization in a specific case context, and 2) apply the key principles and concepts of SCM learned during the degree program.
Instruction for this paper
General Steps to an SCM Case Analysis
Although there is no “one best way” to approach an SCM case study analysis, the following generic
guidelines should be utilized in the process of analysis and recommendation development.
1. Preview the case
An effective SCM case study analysis procedure requires you to read the case scenario
several times before attempting to solve it. Therefore, the first time you read through the case,
he/she should only try to grasp a general idea of the overall situation of what is happening to the
organization(s) and individual(s) described in the case. At this point, you should not try to identify
the problem or develop specific problems, solutions, and/or recommendations – just get an overall
sense of the scenario.
2. Read and study the case in detail
During subsequent readings of the case, you should strive to gain a more thorough understanding of
the situation and circumstances affecting the organization(s). Then, you can identify specific facts,
challenges, and opportunities that will guide him/her in developing relevant solutions or
recommendations using class and text materials as rationale, justification, and support. At this
stage, you should start to identify and consider major problems, sub-problems, key variables,
situational constraints, resource limitations, possible alternatives, and any potential SCM tools and
techniques that might be applicable.
3. Formulate the problem statement
If you have been diligent in completing the first two steps above, the problem statement will
typically be a brief summary of the situation or environment faced by the case participant(s). In this
step, you should not yet be overly concerned with identifying or applying specific SCM tools and
techniques to address the problem. At this point, you should create a list of the major issues and
challenges as the first steps in formulating a specific problem statement. This step may require you
to reread relevant portions of the case scenario. Once the problem statement is adequately vetted
and clearly stated, the remainder of the case analysis steps will be focused on resolving the problem
as defined.
4. Consider important and relevant variables and issues
When you have developed a specific problem statement, he/she should strive to identify those
variables and issues that are most relevant to the problem as identified in Step 3. It is also important
to distinguish between those variables and issues that are controllable by the organization(s) and
individual(s) in the case and those that are not. A controllable variable is one that can be affected or
impacted by the manager(s) or organization(s) in the case, while an uncontrollable variable is one
that cannot be affected or impacted by the manager(s) or organization(s). This section of the
analysis should also include a brief, relevant history of the organization, an internal analysis, and an
external or business environmental analysis.
5. Determine and consider strategic and organizational goals, objectives, and/or targets
All problem statements, potential alternatives, and final recommendations must be established and
considered in light of the organization’s specific goals, objectives, and/or targets. For example, SCM
goals and objectives are often concerned with cost minimization, quality improvement, and/or cycle
time reduction and should never be considered independently from the organization’s strategic
intent and overall goals and objectives.
6. Determine and consider situational constraints and resource limitations
No organization or individual has unlimited resources in terms of money, time, and effort; so your
analysis of the case scenario and development of recommendations to address the problem
statement must consider relevant situational constraints and resource limitations. In most case
scenarios, you must consider developing appropriate solutions to immediate, short-term (< six
months), moderate-term (six months to one year), and long-term (< one year) problems.
7. Determine potential alternative solutions
This key step is a brainstorming and data gathering phase that involves you to determine relevant
potential alternative solutions that could potentially address the issues outlined in the problem
statement he/she previously developed. Alternatives, at this stage, should only be listed and not be
evaluated. The focus is on determining a variety of possible solutions on which data can be collected
and applied in the next step.
8. Specify assumptions and evaluate potential alternative solutions
During this step, you should discover and specify any assumptions that apply to the case study
scenario. Examples of assumptions that may be applicable to a typical SCM case might include: the
nature of future demand, (i.e. growth rate, rate of demand, pattern of demand, etc.), return on
investment criteria, nature of buyer-supplier relationships, time horizon, supply chain risk, and the
like. You should prepare a list of the advantages, disadvantages, and costs and benefits for each
potential alternative solution. Each potential alternative should be evaluated for feasibility and
practicality according to a predetermined set of decision criteria. Examples of typical decision
criteria might include: total cost, time to implement, level of resources needed, training needed,
information technology support required, anticipated budget, etc.
9. Determine final recommendation(s)
Once the evaluation of potential alternative solutions has been completed, you should develop a
final set of recommendations or solutions to address his/her problem statement. This step should
include an action plan which is a detailed description of the final recommendation(s) or solution(s),
accompanied by a thorough discussion of the advantages, disadvantages, and costs and benefits,
the “what.” Where appropriate, you should also indicate show how the final recommendation(s) are
to be implemented, i.e., the “who,” “when,” “where,” and “how.” Finally, you should provide
sufficient justification (the “why”) for his/her final recommendation for the relevant decision maker
in the case, using relevant course materials, models, tools, and/or techniques.
Summary of Expected Deliverables
Effective analysis of the case scenario (and a good grade) requires you to adequately address the
following issues:
• Brief background and history of the organization;
• Accurate description of the specific situation and/or problem(s);
• Identification of key issues and concerns;
• Identification of several possible alternatives to address these key issues and concerns;
• Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative;
• Presentation and detailed discussion of your recommendation for a favored alternative, along
with appropriate rationale (i.e., tell the instructor “Why” and support with relevant class
materials, theories, models, etc.).
Additional points for you to consider in preparing and presenting an SCM case analysis.
Selectively use important information to illustrate the
detailed analysis, defend a particular point of view, and/or discuss salient points.
• Avoid being merely descriptive; be analytical instead.
• Make sure the sections and subsections of the discussion flow logically and smoothly from one
section to the next. Make an outline to help with this.
• Eliminate spelling and grammatical errors. As such, they make the analysis difficult to read and
comprehend. Proofread it several times. Get someone else to do likewise.
• State explicitly how the strategy, alternative, or recommendation you select solves the specific
problem identified.
• Clearly define what needs to be accomplished (and by whom) in order to implement each of the
-The paper must be done in APA Style & Formatting.
- Please include an ABSTRACT for this paper.
- Please include a running header.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Finding a Distribution System: The Case of Hylux
Hylux has struggled to find a distribution system to facilitate its expansion. However, the owner recently landed a potential mid-sized wholesaler willing to distribute Hylux products. The problem now is that currently, Hylux has a limited production capacity. Yet, the wholesaler wants to be sure that Hylux can service large orders. Thus, Hylux has to increase its production capacity and gain the trust of the wholesaler. The capacity lead expansion approach is recommended to help Hylux expand its production capacity in anticipation of increased demand.
Hylux: Background and History
Hylux is a small sports drink company founded by a young athlete looking to meet his need for healthy, functional sports beverages. It took the athlete two years to develop the product, and three years after launching the product, he was still looking for a distribution system (Friar et al., 2020). The main challenge to acquiring an efficient distribution system that facilitates the company’s expansion has been the nature of the industry. Wholesalers are only willing to work with him if he has secured a position with retailers, while retailers are only willing to work with him if he has partnered with wholesalers (Friar et al., 2020). However, a mid-sized wholesaler is willing to work with him, and he needs to increase his production to meet the needs of this wholesaler. This will ensure the business achieves its expansion goals and eventually gain shelf space in chain stores where it can effectively compete with renowned brands in the industry.
Problem Statement
The core problem facing Lamar and Hylux is that the business’ current supply chain is too small to match the demand of a mid-sized wholesaler. He relies on a small co-packer to achieve small production runs, which has been able to meet the demand for his product in the market (Friar et al., 2020). He has been relying on two small wholesalers and himself to get the products to retailers and consumers. However, he now needs to service a mid-sized wholesaler, and the small co-packer cannot handle long production runs within an optimum time frame. In addition, Lamar has been relying on family and friends for funding (Friar et al., 2020). However, this funding source cannot sufficiently support the business when it starts servicing the mid-sized wholesaler.
Key Issues and Concerns
Hylux lacks a co-packer who can quickly increase production to match the big order required by the mid-sized wholesaler. The current co-packer only deals with small production runs (Friar et al., 2020), yet Hylux will need a large production run for big orders to ensure the wholesaler does not run out of inventory. At the moment, Hylux lacks the capacity to make the number of products required by the mid-sized wholesaler. It is using its current capacity to the fullest. Yet, according to Hugos (2018), when production facilities use all their capacity, it becomes difficult to respond to changing demand for products. Hylux needs to create supply chain flexibility to cope with the expected increase in demand once it starts working with the mid-sized wholesaler. Supply chain flexibility can only be achieved with proper demand management to ...
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