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Mathematics & Economics
Case Study
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The Method of Processing Gradient Tree Boosting

Case Study Instructions:

(a) Do a quick online research to find a case study and use it to describe how/where the gradient boosting (GB) modeling method is applied.
(b) Use your own words to describe the main steps of the (basic) GB. You may refer to the slides titled of Lecture 7 with Generalisation to arbitrary differentiable loss function.
(c) Use your own words to recap the main steps of Gradient Tree Boosting algorithms based on slides of Lecture 7 titled with Gradient Tree Boosting.
(d) Derive the splitting score formula (7) in the above paper or the last formula on the last slide titled with Gradient Tree Boosting of Lecture 7.

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Gradient Tree Boosting
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Gradient Tree Boosting
* Do a quick online research to find a case study and use it to describe how/where the gradient boosting (GB) modeling method is applied.
Scientists can use Gradient Boosting can for Sentiment Analysis, which plays a significant role in text classification. There is a lot of textual information that requires management and analysis, but it has become an ambiguous task with recent developments (Athanasiou & Maragoudakis, 2017). It is due to the ever-growing amount of information that needs piecing together to achieve an outcome depending on the needs of the existing question on the use of social media or e-commerce purchases made each week, month, or annually (Athanasiou & Maragoudakis, 2017). Additionally, Greek texts are best applicable for the Gradient Boosting in Sentiment Analysis because it gives a critical analysis of Greek from the easy notation to the most difficult one implying that there are ways to interpret the meaning of textual information (Athanasiou & Maragoudakis, 2017). Besides, having significant texts is helpful because of the inability to reason carefully or independently. With a distribution of sentiments, the Gradient Boost is best fitted to its analysis as the technique displays an efficient sampling method (Athanasiou & Maragoudakis, 2017). Therefore, dealing with imbalance issues in the different ideas can be corrected while applying Gradient Boosting in Sentiment Analysis.
* Use your own words to describe the main steps of the (basic) GB. You may refer to the slides titled of Lecture 7 with Generalisation to arbitrary differentiable loss function.
A differentiable loss function contains the loss and gradient function as th...
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