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Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Quantitative Analysis and Probability Determination

Coursework Instructions:

Question 1
why would a leader receive the results of a quantitative analysis (as from a break-even analysis model) and decide against what the results indicate? Give examples of qualitative factors that may guide a leader to deciding to do something other than what a quantitative analysis suggests should be done.
Minimum of 150 words.
Question 2
Of what use is probability determination in (1) card playing, (2) other gaming or gambling, or (3) lottery draws? Are deciding with the odds worth the risk to a certain point? Are deciding against the odds worth the risk?
Minimum of 125 words.

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Quantitative analysis is all about using models or algorithms to evaluate assets for investments and model certain risks. This process involves searching for multiple databases. It can help a leader decide whether the finance department is working well or not. Some of the biggest investment managers using quantitative analysis are Renaissance Technologies, D. E. Shaw & Co., Winton Group, Two Sigma Investments, and AQR Capital Management. This makes it clear that quantitative analysis is trusted for its accurate results and helps check and balance the finances of a company. The first factor that can help the leader decide what should be done other than quantitative analysis is finding direct labor costs. A...
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