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Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Huawei Feminine Phone. Executive Summary. Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

Executive Summary of all the document, and must follow the instruction! The first step of this marketing plan. Do not use much difficult words.






* Ensure professional in appearance, use of colour, charts, tables, excellent grammar and editing *

Table of Contents               

I. Executive Summary: on 1 page, list: Company Summary, Main Issues, Key Recommendations, Key Plans/Costs/Benefits 

II. Situation Analysis - THE CURRENT SITUATION (Which explains WHY your Recommendation in Part III)

  1. Demand - What is the product / product category? How is demand stimulated for this product? Why is this product wanted/needed?

                               1. Customer Profile (current/potential customer/market; nature of demand)

                               2. Market Size (geographic and population range) What is the actual size ($’s and/or units)?

3. Purchasing Behaviour – How do consumer's buy the product? What is their though process?

                B. Competition - Who are the competitors that, along with you, represent about 80% of the market?

Note that the Sit'n Analysis comes BEFORE the Reco.

Here you talk about the current products and current situation - and not your reco.


                               1. Product - what is the existing product / product category? Discuss the product and its                                                                             competitors in the:

                                               a. Generic / Indirect Market - see your text (e.g. Coke to coffee, juice or water), and

                                               b. Product / Direct Market - see your text (e.g. Coke to Pepsi) 

                               2. Market Share – What is your market share? Your competitors' market share? Provide a chart                                                                and properly cite your information.

                               3. Competitor's Profile: Create a comparison chart  and compare and contrast your competitors.                                                                Separately, do a SWOT Analysis.

                                4. Price/Cost relationship    

                                      a. Price/Cost/Profits - what is the retail price/cost/profits of your/your competitors existing


                                      b. Wholesale Price - what is the product/ your competitor's products costs as it moves through the     channel

                                5. Distribution

                                      a. Channel Type (do you currently sell direct to your consumers, or through intermediaries?).                               b. Logistics (what logistics are involved in delivering this product?)

                                6. Promotion

                                      a. Advertising                  Issue: How does your competition advertise its product(s)?

                                      b. Sales Promotion          Issue: What other kinds of promotion are used?

                               7. Product Differentiation How (exactly) is your existing product different from your competition?

                C. Environmental Climate     

                               1. Social/Cultural – How (specifically) does the social/cultural climate affect your business?

                               2. Economic – How is the current economic situation impacting your business? Be specific.

                               3. Technological – What technological issues must you be aware of / manage?

                               4. Political/Legal – What legal and political issues must you address? How will you handle?

III. Recommendation - Based on the Situation, This is what you are recommending - Details About Your Plan

A. Mission Statement of your company (clear, short, concise, specific to your firm)

                B. Marketing Research - do market research; what were the results / learning that led to your   recommendation?

                C. Your Segmentation, Target and Positioning - How is/can the market be segmented? Which segment will             you          choose to be your target market(s)? How will you position your product? Use a positioning map.

                D. Product:  What exactly is the recommended product that you are selling - and to whom?

                               1. The Product Itself: What it is, how it works, technology, description, photos, images, recipe, etc

                                2. Product Strategy: Core, Actual, Augmented Product        

                               3. Target Market – Be specific

                               4. Product Differentiation - How is your product very different from its competitors?

                E. Price Issue: What will it cost your customer. How will you/they make a profit?

                               1. Pricing Strategy  What is your strategy (Skimming? Penetration? Other?) Why?

2. Actual Price What are you going to charge - wholesalers, retailers; What will end-users pay? Considering your costs, what will your per unit profits be?

                F. Distribution – Where will you sell your product and how will it get to your consumers/customers? Articulate                                       in detail the logistics from raw materials to the consumer. Also:

                               1. Distribution Strategy (What is your market exposure plan: intensive, selective, or exclusive?)

                               2. Channel Type (Direct or Indirect? Which intermediaries are involved? Name the intermediaries)

                               3. Service Level – Will you try to achieve a 100% in-stock service level? For you? Your retailers? Etc.

                G. Promotion          You should cover: Advertising - Objectives and Strategies and Sales Promotion -           Objectives and Strategies; How will people find out about your product? What promotional tools will you use?     When will you use them (show on a communication and promotional plan calendar)? You should show a media   spending/execution plan. How much will each element cost? Total cost?

                H. Budget  - What kinds of costs will you have and how/where will you get the money?

1. Financial Statements - E.g. Product Income Statement for a pd. of time - INCL. Future Projections

                               2. Break-even Calculations - how many units will you need to sell to break even? At what price?

IV. Appendices (Include here any lengthy calculations, lengthy financial back-up materials, charts, etc. that support our Plan)


Key Considerations When Completing the Marketing Plan:


1. Ensure excellent editing - ensure proper grammar, spelling, etc. Ensure NO repeating sections and NO repeating comments. Also, ensure that there are NO conflicting statements.

2. Ensure proper and consistent citation techniques. Note: You can NOT copy and paste from Wiki, Company websites, Financial statements, etc. Your paper must be 100% in keeping with York's position on Academic Integrity. Importantly, you must support your claims. For example, if you list a market share, then you must list the source. You can use MLA or APA citation methods but it must be consistent throughout the project. If you state a "fact" or make a claim or present a recommendation, you must properly support your statement (academic source, market research, etc).

3. This is a marketing document. Ensure that it is professional in every sense. Do not make this a repeat of the text and do not discuss the theory behind concepts. Ensure the marketing plan is businesslike, action-oriented, professional, etc.

4. Review the recommended contents for the marketing plan - and ensure that your marketing plan covers all of the elements as outlined. For example: Have you conducted market research? Have you done a SWOT analysis? Have you detailed how your product will be built? Have you detailed how it works? Have you detailed specific retail customers? Is your promotional plan detailed? Have you submitted a media plan based on costs and planned spending?

5. Strong research, analysis and thought is expected. The marketing plan must be logical; it's development must follow a logical pattern of thinking - and thus, can NOT be completed by group members working in a silo (or in a vacuum from one another); you MUST collaborate. A finding, or a decision made by one member WILL impact the logic and decisions that must be considered by the other members.

6. When stating comparisons (eg. market shares of various brands or competitor's prices), utilize charts and tables - and ensure proper citations.

7. This suggests an appropriate style of writing:

- Do not say: "We at Company X, believe that we should do this and that". Rather, say: "This recommends that we do this and that"

- Do not say: "Because we are a division of Company A, our products are in competition with…"  Rather, say: "Our products compete with…"

- Do not say: "At Company Z, we have come up with a product that will…"  Rather, say: "We have developed Brand X that will…"

8. For the Executive Summary, ensure that you understand the length and the key elements of a proper executive summary. Keep it to 1 page. Include key recommendations and action-oriented elements of the Plan.

9. Follow the submission rules 100%!!!

                - a group email - from 1 member of each group, sent to the instructor, cc'd to all group              members, with                 the subject listed as: ADMS 2200 I - Product Name. The email content                should be NOTHING - other than the contact information for 2 group members. The balance of the                 group's contact email info is contained in the "cc" list. The timing of this email must be            coordinated with 1 member from each group in the class and sent simultaneously with      the other groups to the instructor.

                - ensure a group photo with "who's who" identification - 1st, 2nd, 3rd OR last page

                - coil bound with a clear, see through vinyl cover; NO 3-ring binder, no duo-tang

                - 30 page max incl. appendix (15 physical pieces of paper incl. appendices)

                - 1.5 to 2 line spacing (NO single line spacing); normal borders

                - back-to-back-print is a MUST

                - see-through plastic cover


                - Peer Evaluations must be completed in alphabetical order

                - do not give part grades (use whole numbers only)

                - do NOT seal the submission envelope

                - do not fold evaluations when they are inserted into the envelope

                - ensure paper (and not cardboard), top opening, envelope size is 8 3/4" x 11 1/2" OR 9" x 12"                               only - do NOT give yourself a grade – insert “N/A” – beside your name


Key Considerations When Developing your PRESENTATIONS:

- You WANT the class energized, enthused and engaged

- ENSURE that the class knows what you are talking about - the company, the issues, etc. TAKE THE TIME TO ENSURE that they understand

- Consider….How will you capture - and keep - the audience's attention

- Definitely AVOID reading scripts or reading from your written submission

- Do NOT read your presentation slides word-for-word; rather summarize the information

- Ask yourself… will I get people to watch my presentation and not pay attention to social media, cell phones, etc.

- DO NOT Read from your phone. This is unprofessional.

- Do Not line everyone up at the front and have people introduce themselves as this will take time away from your project. (That said, normally in a presentation you would want to introduce the speakers and the topic that you will be presenting).

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Executive summary
Institution Affiliation

Executive summary
The current report provides a comprehensive analysis of the marketing plan of the Huawei feminine phone. Huawei is one of the largest producers of electronics, such as cell phones and CCTV cameras in the world. In addition to its headquarters that are located in Mainland China, the company has several outlets all over the world, which are involved in various business operations such as producing, distributing, and selling its products.
The company is planning to produce 5G cell phones designed to be used by women all over the world. The company operates in a highly dynamic and competitive world where it is affected by social, environmental, economic, political, and legal issues. To counteract most of these issues, the company has formulated an effective marketing strategy to ensure it remains one of the leading cell phone companies in the world. The new product has the potential for a large market among the women, who are the main target of the proposed product. Women are easy to convince to buy as compared to men. Further, the company has already established its brand and its market for 5G phones is already big all over the world, which is an indication that the company will not have a problem marketing its new product. Also, the company has a strong financial muscle that will help it to conduct a comprehensive market analysis to determine consumer behaviors.
The firm has already established a strong distribution strategy, and the new phone will not experience problems in reaching consumers ...
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