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MGT599 Mod 2: The External Environment, Internal Profile, and SWOT

Coursework Instructions:

Module 2 - SLP
The External Environment, Internal Profile, and SWOT
The Module 2 SLP requires that you continue with the scenario and simulation you began in the Module 1 SLP.
SLP2 – It is New Year's Day, 2016. You have finished analyzing the performance of Clipboard Tablet Co., and you have submitted the report requested by your CEO, Sally Smothers. You are ready to move forward to 2016, but…..
….as you turn on the TV, you notice something very strange. You recognize that the date is January 1, 2012, and that you get to make the decisions for the Clipboard Tablet Co. for the 4-year period beginning with 2012. Your challenge is to do better than Joe Thomas.
At the beginning of each year (2012-2015), you will determine your pricing, your R&D allocations, and whether or not to discontinue any products. You are required to make your decisions for each year, and to report your results to see what happened. You must keep track of your decisions, making specific notes supporting each of your decisions.
Run the Clipboard Tablet Co. simulation through the end of 2015. When you are finished, the date will be December 31, 2015. What is your total Score? Did you do better than Joe Thomas?
You organize your notes about your decisions, your analysis, and your reasoning into a well-written report.
Session Long Project
Run the Clipboard Tablet Co. simulation with your strategy, making decisions year by year for prices and R&D allocations. Write a 6-7 page paper, not including cover and reference pages, in which you discuss the decisions and the results for each year. Discuss why you did better (or worse) than Joe Thomas.
The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered and taken into account in preparing your paper include:
• As you run the simulation, keep track of your decisions and the results – both financial and marketing. Copy and paste the results into Excel or into a Word document. You will also want to record the information that you get from the Advisor. Make a note of your Final Total Score.
• Include your Final Total Score, some tables, and/or graphs showing key results. Using sound logic, be sure to clearly explain the differences from Joe.
• Remember that the key here is quality of analysis.
• Time Line Summary:
• 2015: You are hired on December 15th.
• Turned in first report to Sally on December 30th.
• You find yourself in a Time Warp that takes you back to January 1, 2012.
• You recognize that you can now revise the decisions made by Joe for 2012 – 2015.
• January 2, 2012 - input decisions for 2012.
• January 2, 2013 - input decisions for 2013.
• January 2, 2014 - input decisions for 2014.
• January 2, 2015 - input decisions for 2015.
• December 31, 2015 – You have gone through all four years, and you write your report to summarize how you did.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Your paper will be evaluated using the grading rubric. 
Please note the following tips and suggestions:
• Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 6-7pages of analysis described above. 
o Use section headings as appropriate. Use graphs, charts, or figures strategically – but do not use these as "space fillers." Include large graphs, etc. as an Appendix instead.
o Cite and reference all sources that you use in your work, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes, and citations for that information which you have "borrowed" or paraphrased from other sources.
o Follow TUI Guidelines for well-written papers.
-Please include URLs for all reference used. The URLs should go directly to the body of work on the internet. Please cite the references within the body of the document within APA standards.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
The External Environment, Internal Profile, and SWOT
The technological industry remains unique and competitive especially in consideration of the constant growing demand for some of the new innovative products in the market. As a result of this, intense rivalry is bound to rise between competitors, an aspect that may result in losses within an organization, especially in an instance where an organization engages in a price war. It is notable to establish that product competition specifically in regard to the development of Tablets that meet the preferences of consumers is evident in the market.
When rivalry and competition turn out to be healthy, the production process is promoted, thus resulting in the development of quality products that are beneficial to consumers (Henry, 2007). On the other hand, it is important to ascertain that this industry remains quite profitable in as much as it necessitates the need for huge capital expenditures and specialized skills and knowledge in starting, developing and maintaining.
Technology is primary utilized in many organizations in order to reduce the costs incurred in production, an element that maintains higher rates of consistency, accuracy and the reduction of manpower and errors in an organization (Henry, 2007). Organizations that are in a position to sustain constancy in the production of quality gadgets are in a position to maintain a considerable growth in sales they make and clients that are retained in a market.
Additionally, through effective marketing approaches, organizations remain in a position of making clear visions in the outcomes that are desired, an aspect that integrates a systematic planning process, and the application of formulated strategies (Henry, 2007). In this case, it is important to ascertain that the process of pricing is relevant in arriving at marketing mix decisions, where a product’s price is considered to one of the variables in the marketing mix in the generation of revenues.
The decisions on pricing are significant since they affect the revues of a company, as well as the behaviors and preferences of consumers. This paper seeks to establish the manner in which pricing decisions and adjustments have the capacity to affect the behaviors of consumers in consideration of the Clipboard Tablet Company’s proceeds. In addition to this, R&D funding also play an integral role in determining the organization’s productivity (Chapman, 2012). Considering that the company has minimal finances available in funding the proposed project, it is essential to incorporate a radical decision with the motive of establishing the organizations project that will be funded over a specified time framework with the lifespan of a product.
Through the use of the Clipboard Tablet Co. Simulation, the R&D and pricing allocations will be made within a period that spans from January 2012 to December 2015, with the marketing and financial results critically analyzed. Tabulated in Table 1.1 are the marketing and financial results for the year 2012 that will be used in starting off the ana...
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