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Ways in which the Emergence Curriculum can work for both Teacher and Child

Coursework Instructions:

Early Childhood Education Prompt:
Step #1: Read this passage “Administrators responsible for training staff often find themselves trying to motivate the staff members to learn what has been predetermined that they must learn. But if you want people to stay excited about their jobs, there has to be some opportunity for them to explore, to be decision makers, to say, 'This is what I want to do next.' That's playful in the very best sense. Children become active learners through play; and so do adults." - Written by Jones, B. (1980). Creating Environments Where Teachers Learn to Play; Exchange.
Step #2: After reading the passage above by Jones, B. answer the following two questions:
Question #1: What are your thoughts regarding this statement?
Question #2: How does this connect with what you know understand as “emergent curriculum? Make sure to define emergent curriculum in your response.
Step #3: Now watch the following Vimeo video called “Documentation: Transforming Our Perspective” by Melissa Rivard
Step #4: After watching the vimeo video by Melissa Rivard answer the following two questions about the video:
Question #3: After watching the vimeo video what intrigues you? Or what are you thought’s about it.
Question #4: How do the speakers’ comments in the vimeo video inspire you?
Step #5: Read the Introduction pages 1 through 3 and then Chapter 1 of the book called “The Unscripted Classroom: Emergent Curriculum in Action” by Susan Stacey.
Step #6: Read Chapter 2 of the book called “The Unscripted Classroom: Emergent Curriculum in Action” by Susan Stacey.
Step #7: After reading chapters 1 and 2 answer the following two questions:
Question #5: Discuss the role that play has in active learning.
Question #6: How do the readings inform/inspire your understanding of emergent curriculum?
Step #8: Now after completing steps #1 through step #7 now I want you to come up with two questions of your own for our upcoming virtual class discussion. Your two questions can be anything about what you just read about in the passage, the vimeo video or the chapter 1 and chapter 2 about “The Unscripted Classroom: Emergent Curriculum in Action” by Susan Stacey.
Coursework Guidelines:
* Must be at least around 400 to 500 words
* Must be in Times New Roman Font Size 12
*Must be in APA format
*Must have at least 3 APA Reference in your response. For example, make sure to have one APA citation for Question #1 or Question #2, then you can have one APA citation for Question #3 or Question #4, finally one APA citation for Question #5 or Question #6.
Note for this course assignment your APA sources can be the passage by Jones, then vimeo video and chapter 1 or chapter 2 of “The Unscripted Classroom: Emergent Curriculum in Action” by Susan Stacey. You can also include other sources but which ever three sources you choose just make sure to cited the three sources properly in your assignment.
* Must have a reference page.
Notes to Writer:
* I uploaded an audio file recording of the virtual class discussion we had about emergent curriculum just in case you want to hear it because the professor explains some of the instructions.
* I posted the vimeo link right below Step #3.
* I numbered the questions from Step 2, Step 4, and Step 7 so it would be easier to answer them seperately.

* I uploaded screenshot images of the introduction, Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. Since I could only add 20 files in the order the rest of the screen images are located in the DropMeFiles link https://dropmefiles(dot)com/dPWMR
* The Reference source for the book "The Unscripted Classroom: Emergent Curriculum in Action" by Susan Stacey is as follows:
* Stacey, S. (2011). The Unscripted Classroom: Emergent Curriculum in Action. Redleaf Press
Thank you for your time

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Ways in which the Emergence Curriculum can work for both Teacher and Child
Students Name
Question one and two
Emergent curriculum is placing even more responsibility of teachers as they have to do more than the usual teaching to fulfill every child's needs. The process requires evaluation of all children, determining what works for them, implementing the plan, and tracking the child's process while ensuring they follow all the set curriculum standards. Teachers are required without fail to undergo training and continue learning to fulfill the requirements of the curriculum. The problem that arises is that gaining new knowledge is much harder for an adult than a child, and this compromises the learning environment. Many challenges come with adult learning, including teachers having a particular attitude, selective learning because they are at an age where they can make their own choices and merely having a load of other things on their mind (Jones 1980). I think administrators and the education sector as a whole should turn training into capacity building, which is a proven method in improving the performance of adults .instead of demanding internalization of information through learning, they should be motivated through activities that stimulate the brain.
Question three and four
What is intriguing about the video is the aspect of introducing democracy in education and the perspective of children having the same teacher guiding them to adulthood. Treating children as equal partners in the learning process brings about success in the implementation of the emergent curriculum. It is vital to develop the culture of democracy from a young age because the children are the citizen of tomorrow. The emergent curriculum would also make sense of the child had the same teacher guiding them until they are young adults. It will ensure that the program is not interrupted, and the learning process is fulfilling. There is also the element of documentation learning where the children and teachers document what they have learned during the teaching and learning process. The most inspiring thing about the speakers in the video is their willingness to o...
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