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Literacy Extension Activity: Education Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

After watching Priming Children For Language and Literacy Success: A Focus on the Toddler Years by Betty Bardige. Using the criteria shared in the Betty Bardige webinar complete this assignment by:
selecting ONE book that is appropriate for either infants or toddlers
plan extension activities that are supportive of each the developmental domains and are an extension of the selected book
Using the Activity Plan Form (available below) to create a total of four activities based on your ONE book:
create four separate infant or toddler activities, one for each of the following domain areas that are extensions of the book you selected:
Personal and Social
Physical Development
Each plan will include:
Personal/Social Goal (found in Healthy Beginnings - these are the indicators, choose the one that bests fits your activity)
Description of Activity (what will the children be doing)
Materials Needed
Role of the Teacher (what will you be doing)
Assessment (How will you know the children met your goal above?)
Modifications (How will you modify this activity to include a child with special needs?)

All components of the form must be complete. Use the Healthy Beginnings Guide and also download the Literacy Extension activity plan form below for your format. It has to be a children's book
This has to be a children's book that you would read to a child.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Literacy Extension Activity
Age Group (Infant or Toddler): Toddler
Title and Author of Book (same book for all four activities below): ABC I Love Me by Miriam Muhammad
Domain: Personal / Social
Personal/Social Goal (found in Healthy Beginnings):
Share his feelings through talking and pretend play (Johns Hopkins University, 2015, p. 25)
Description of Activity:
Toddlers will be grouped into three. One of them shall pretend as the teacher while the rest shall pretend as students. The first toddler shall pretend to teach the two-three letters (A to C) and descriptions from the book. The second shall pretend teaching letters D to F and their description. Lastly, the third shall pretend to teach the letters G to I.
Materials Needed:
* ABC I Love Me Book
* Pointer
* Two chairs for the students
* One table for the toddler playing as a teacher
Role of the Teacher:
The teacher shall guide the toddler, pretending to be a teacher, if the letters and descriptions being taught is correct. The teacher shall also encourage the role player to ask questions to the students
Assessment (How will you know the children met your goal above?):
The goal is achieved if the one pretending to be the teacher could discuss and ask questions to his peers, and the peers could participate.
Modifications (How will you modify this activity to include a child with special needs?):
Children with special needs will be grouped into three, and all of them shall read the book altogether and ask questions among themselves after.
Domain: Language
Language Goal (found in Healthy Beginnings):
Begin to develop imitative reading (Johns Hopkins University, 2015, p. 21).
Description of Activity:
The activity involves reading the whole book while presenting the pictures to the toddlers. The teacher shall point to each word, and then the toddler will repeat after her.
Materials Needed:
* Pointer
* ABC I Love Me Book
Role of the Teacher:
The teacher shall read each word to the toddler and instruct the toddler to repeat it. She shall point the word that needs to be read and show the pictures to associate the words to the pictures.
Assessment (How will you know the children met your goal above?):
The toddler can repeat the words uttered by the teacher with the minimum amount of time.
Modifications (How will you modify this activity to include a child with special needs?):
The teacher shall select easy-to-read pages and words and limit the reading to only a few pages. Alternatively, the child with special needs can choose the page that he wants to read, and then the teacher shall follow his lead.
Domain: Cognitive
Cognitive Goal (found in Healthy Beginnings):
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