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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
4 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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2-3 Milestone One Assignment: Organ System Assessment

Coursework Instructions:

For this milestone, submit your organ system assessment to the discussion board.
For your initial post, describe the organ system you have chosen for the final project in a bulleted list. You must include the following items:
Anatomical location of the particular organ system - Be specific - Describe the location of your given system or the organs that comprise it. You can explain their location relative to other organs or systems using directional terms (such as superior, inferior, medial, lateral, anterior or posterior) or include the body cavities or abdominal regions/quadrants in which they can be found.
Key anatomical features – which organs comprise this system? What can you tell me about their structure?
Key physiological functions – what is the function of this system and the organs that comprise it?
Histology - What types of cells or tissues are unique to this system? This website can be helpful. (Find your system on the left side of the webpage and click on it to access this information).
Some interesting facts, findings, or health issues related to this system.
In response to your classmates’ posts on other systems, comment on their choices, describing at least one function that requires the interaction of both the system you have chosen and the system the classmate has chosen.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
Organ System Assessment
As established in the students responses, it is vital to consider that the major passages and structures of an upper respiratory system comprises of the nasal cavities, nose or nostrils, voice box, and the throat.
* In this case, when an individual breath through the mouth or nostrils, air is filtered through the natural lines of defense that are structured to protect from irritations and illnesses of the respiratory system(Ho-Chiao e t al, 2015).
* As established by Heidi Platt, nasal hairs that are at the openings of the nostrils trap large particles of dust that may be inhaled, with a lining of mucous membranes that secret mucus that additionally traps smoke and pollen particles, hence aiding in the prevention of diseases.
In response to Hillarie’s analysis, the respiratory system is separated into two separate tracts that include both the upper and lower respiratory tract systems.
* League& Hillyer (2016) indicates that the lower respiratory system includes the windpipe within the:
* Alveoli, bronchi, bronchioles, and the lungs.
* After the inhalation of air that moves through the larynx, the aid is pushed to the trachea, a rigid tube of about 4.5 inches (Jong-san...
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