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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Course Design-ACS Practice. Health, Medicine, Nursing Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

Course design is guided by curriculum outcomes, and courses must be developed to ensure that students are meeting the intended outcomes. Curriculum development and course design are influenced by many factors, such as program level and setting. The course design process begins with broad program or organizational outcomes and narrows to specific objectives to guide instruction. The purpose of this assignment is to develop a course design outline for one setting, using one health care practice. You will choose a health care practice for this assignment and build upon it throughout the course in order to achieve an understanding of the curriculum development process.
Health Care Practice
Choose a health care practice and write an explanation of the practice that includes the following:
Summarize the health care practice you have selected.
Locate three evidence-based articles that support your health care practice choice. Evidence-based articles chosen should not be older than 5 years.
Provide a rationale for each article you selected, including an explanation of how the article supports your health care practice choice.
Choose two different settings and explain how course design would be different for these settings.
Course Design Outline
Use your health care practice to create a course design outline based on evidence-based practice for one of your selected settings according to the suggested course design process provided in the Teaching in Nursing: A Guide for Faculty textbook.
General Guidelines
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Submit the health care practice explanation and course design outline as one Word document.
I have no preference on the subject. thanks Bernadine

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Course Design-ACS Practice
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Course Design-ACS Practice
Medical practitioners are mandated and obligated to provide the best possible care and without victimization or favoritism. As such, they are continuously involved in efforts to improve patient outcomes through research efforts and clinical trials. It is also through such initiatives that various health care practices have been developed and established. These practices help professionals specialize and provide patients with personalized care and treatment. One notable health care practice that has evolved from traumatic academic surgeons is acute care surgery (ACS). It is a specialty that utilizes not only operative but also non-operative management in attending to traumatic injuries in acute settings. While acute care surgery is an essential health care practice, it is quite costly. It amounts to about ¼ of the inpatient expenses in the US, with the aging population composing a significant percentage of the demographics. Legislations implemented by the US government in line with health care reimbursement and which seeks to shift payment of medical expenses to private entities and households pose significant challenges to the development of ACS practice. The effective evolution of ACS is also impeded by the uneven distribution of available surgeons in and around the US. Legislations involving health care reimbursement and uneven geographical distribution of available surgeons are two major barriers to the development of ACS practice.
Summary of Acute Care Surgery
Acute care surgery is an evolving practice in the health care sector. It comprises three essential components in the form of emergency surgery, trauma, and also critical care (Ogola et al., 2015). Acute care surgeons primarily attend to the surgical treatment of patients brought into the emergency room, and suffering not only from physical trauma but also, in some cases, exhibit severe injuries to their musculoskeletal systems. Tung et al. (2018) reiterate that fact and share, “Patients who have been involved in an accident and have severe injuries to their bones, joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and related tissues will be treated by an acute care surgeon, so the injuries heal properly.”. Based on the above statement, acute care surgeons are usually trained to perform their duties as quickly as possible. This is because, in most of the cases involving patients with major trauma, time is of the essence.
It is also essential to note that unlike emergency room (ER) physicians, acute care surgeons are usually called upon when patients require emergency surgeries. They come in to repair severe injuries that are specific and unique to the musculoskeletal system (Paul, 2016). Similarly, acute care surgeons don’t primarily involve and engage themselves in the stabilization of injured patients. Additionally, the other difference between an ER physician and an acute care surgeon relates to the training they receive after graduating from medical school. While ER physicians spend three years in residency programs, acute care surgeons are not only required to complete five to six years of residency but also a few more years of fellowship where they s...
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