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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Data Collection Tool That Measures Nurse to Patient Ratio

Coursework Instructions:

1. Find a data collection tool that may measure the identified research question specific to your topic or research topic, my topic was nurse to patient ratio.

2. Discuss why the tool would be advantageous for your data collection.

3. Discuss any potential barriers when utilizing the data collection tool.

4. Identify one evidence-based nursing practice related you your topic and explain the impact of the EPB on nursing practice.

5. Post your answers to the discussion board, (400 to 500 words)

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Data Collection
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Data Collection
Data Collection Tool That May Measure the Identified Research Question Specific in Nurse to Patient Ratio
The Patient Acuity Tool is a data-gathering instrument that may determine the nurse-to-patient ratio. This instrument determines the degree of nursing assistance demanded to give patients the appropriate care while assessing the quality of treatment that patients seek. Every client is assessed by the tool depending on things like the gravity of their sickness, the degree of difficulty of their care, and how dependent they are on nursing assistance (Eastman & Kernan, 2022). Therefore, the proper nurse-to-patient ratio for the area or period can be determined using this statistic.
Some medical centers, involving nursing homes, medical centers, and home medical care, can utilize the Patient Acuity Tool. It measures nurse-to-patient ratios, an organized and quantitative technique that can enhance patient staffing choices and results. To improve the quality of care and results, nurses in management roles can use this application to change the quantity of staff and allocate nurses to patients according to their quality of care.
Discuss Why the Tool Would Be Advantageous for Your Data Collection.
The Patient Acuity Tool offers a quantitative and codified method for evaluating care for patients' requirements and calculating the ideal staffing levels, making it helpful in collecting information connected to a nurse-to-patient ratio (Bettencourt et al., 2020). Nursing supervisors and administrators may employ this tool to guarantee that the hiring choices are centered on the genuine requirements of patients instead of dependent on assumptions or previous staffing trends. The tool combines the amount of medical attention each individual needs with the amount of attention a nurse can give. Guarantees that patients get the right amount of treatment and focus, which can lead to better treatment results and higher levels of client fulfillment.
The Patient Acuity Tool can assist medical institutions in adhering to laws and rules regarding nurse-to-patient ratios. For instance, specified nurse-to-patient ratios are required by law in some jurisdictions for particular patient demographics or particular kinds of units. Healthcare organizations may guarantee they achieve these standards and offer secure and efficient patient treatment by employing a recognized tool like the Patient Acuity Tool.
Discuss Any Potential Barriers When Utilizing the Data Collection Tool.
Using the Patient Acuity Tool for gathering information regarding the nurse-to-patient ratio may encounter some obstacles. Medical practitioners' diminished comprehension or intolerance toward transformation is one significant hurdle. Considering that they are accustomed to depending entirely on their assessments or even staffing techniques, nurses, among other medical personnel, may be relucta...
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