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1 page/≈275 words
6 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.18

Adult Patients with Diabetes : Group Education Focusing on Self-Management Training

Coursework Instructions:

Review clinical questions on diabetes on adult follow the PICOT method,
summarize 6 articles on that topic, and come up with a practice change based on those articles
P=Population of interest;
I=Intervention you are planning on trying; 
C=Comparison to current intervention in place for the same procedure; 
O=Outcome you are looking for with the intervention;
T=Time you expect it will take before the intervention shows a difference.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Diabetes on Adult
Population: Adult patients with diabetes Intervention: Group education focusing on Self-management training
Comparison: standard diabetes education Outcome: Improved diabetes health outcomes (self-management skills, behavior and knowledge
Time: 6 months after implementation of group training
According to Glueck, & Foreman, (2014) diabetes education groups are effective in imparting self-management skills, and this was especially because there was education support. Diabetes patients who participated in group education sessions have the opportunity to have a better understanding of diabetes. Hill-Briggs & Gemmell (2007), focused on the link between problem solving and self-management skills, and they reported that most studies highlighted that problem-solving interventions were effective in improving diabetes self-management skills for children adolescents and adults. Dietary behavior among adults was identified as an intervention strategy that affected the diabetes patients’ problem solving, decision making and self-management.
Even though, patient education has been identified as n important component to managing diabetes and preventing complications, there are barriers to effective self-management practices. Da Vico et al (2013) highlighted that identifying the predictors to diabetes response is necessary to managing the condition. However, people who had experienced diabetes for a lower duration were more responsive to group education sessions, indicating that intervention programs should consider imparting changes during the early phases of diabetes if the intervention is to be most effective.
Wiley et al (2014), focused on how diabetes education affected in improvin...
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