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1 page/≈275 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Family Expresses Desire for Comfort Care Focus, but Selects Full Code for Advance Directives

Coursework Instructions:

Post a position or thoughts supported by evidence and literature regarding this week’s topic. The post should be written using the professional style described in the APA manual (6th ed.) Family expresses desire for comfort care focus, but selects full code for advance directives.

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Family expresses desire for comfort care focus, but selects full code for advance directives
Comfort Care Focus
Family members might not be permitted to make the decision about life –sustaining treatment for us without having a code for advance directive. In some states, the laws permit family members to make medical decisions if someone is incapacitated. In this case, advance directive becomes valid when an individual signs it in front of several witnesses. The code for advance directive cannot be affected unless we are unable to make our decision. Most of the code for advance directive usually goes into effect when the physician decides one is unable to make its decisions. If one regains his ability to make decisions, then the agent cannot continue acting on your behalf (Jones, Moss, & Harris-Kojetin, 2011).
It is important to note that in many states health care providers have the right to refuse to honor an advance directive due to ethical, religious, and moral reasons. Family members need to ask in advance the personal views of the healthcare provider or the institution policies that guides them before choosing a health provider .it’s also good to confirm with your personals doctor and change where necessary if he is unable to carry out individual wishes (Steinhauser et al., 2000).
The Federal law under the patient self –determination Act (PSDA) fully supports such personal initiatives. The law requires that any medica...
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