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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 10.37

HIV in South Africa

Coursework Instructions:

Select one health issue you wish to explore throughout this course. Write a formal APA paper on your selected health issue.
The paper should be between 2-4 pages and include a title page, an introduction and conclusion, in-text citations, and references. No abstract needed. Page length does not include the title and references pages.
Select a health issue to further explore which is related to a priority issue from a national or global organization.
Select only one: a national health issue or global health issue.
If you choose a global issue, it should be narrowed to a country or region in the world. For example, Africa is a continent. There are 5 sub-regions in Africa, and 54 countries
Define and fully describe the health issue, using the following as APA headings:
Importance of the issue, prevalence of issue, why the issue is a health risk in the selected area you choose.
The history of the issue
The impact of the issue on the people of the country/region in which it occurs
Ethical considerations in cause or impact of the issue on the selected region/country
An overview of current efforts to overcome/treat/alter the health issue
At least 3 professional references are required.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

HIV in South Africa
Course Code and Title
Importance and Prevalence of HIV in SA
Globally, SA has the largest number of people living with HIV (PLWH). Several drivers have seen this prevalence. These include socio-behavioral factors, biological factors, and structural drivers. Most HIV transmissions occur through heterosexual connections, especially commercialized sex(Zuma et al., 2022). Other sexual transmissions include same-sex entanglements. HIV is a health risk in SA because it reduces life expectancy and productivity, leading to a weak and absent workforce. With time, a lack of adherence to antiretroviral therapy leads to comorbidities and, consequently, AIDS-related deaths.
History of HIV in SA
SA had its first known case of HIV in 1982. Since then, the country has placed significant efforts to reduce the rate and prevalence of the virus, including related infections, mortalities, morbidities, and infections (Satoh & Boyer, 2019). The national strategic plan of 2017 to 2022 saw strong interventions that enhanced policies put in place to reduce the HIV burden in the country (Satoh & Boyer, 2019). These interventions included reducing the risk of infections, linking patients to care and a clear follow-up system, enhancing the quality of care, and promoting multisectoral cooperation. With the improvement of scientific knowledge, these interventions have only gotten more efficient.
Impact of HIV
HIV has significant impacts on all people in SA. First, regarding bio-medical factors, the disease has steered a high prevalence of sexually transmitted infections. Secondly, the disease causes significant health impacts on all people from all age groups, including children, adults, and older adults. Elevated rates of mortality and morbidity lead to increased poverty and child neglect. Eventually, children are left orphaned, opening the leeway for child discrimination. According to Satoh and Boyer (2019), mother-to-child-HIV transmission has seen a dwindling effect on the health and well-being of children. HIV prevalence among SA’s children reduces access to education, slowing down literacy and educational progress.
Ethical Considerations
There are severa...
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