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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
1 Source
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Male Metabolismn

Coursework Instructions:

Health Class
Topic: Male Metabolism
Prompt from the Professor:
For this assignment I want you to follow the instructions below and answer the three questions in the steps below.
Step #1: Read Chapter 3 of the book called "Harvard Medical School Guide to Men's Health" by Harvey Simon.
Step #2: Read the Chapter 3 Notes I provided you in the PDF titled "Chapter 3 Notes for Male Metabolism"
Step #3: Below are three questions that I want you to answer. For each question below answer it with at least one paragraph response in your own words.
Question #1). Explain why carbohydrates are essential for health.
Question #2). What is the connection between glucose and insulin?
Question #3). What is the difference between High Density Lipoprotein and Low Density
* Remember to answer each question in your own words. Good luck.
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Coursework Assignment Guidelines
* Must be at least 2 pages. For example, you can answer questions #1 and question #2 on one page and then answer question #3 on the second page.
*Must be in Times New Roman Font Size 12 with 1-inch margins all around.
*Must be in APA format 7
*You must answer each question in at least one paragraph but make sure each paragraph has at least 5 sentences.
* Please answer all questions in your own words so please do not just copy from my notes and or from Chapter 3 of the book. If you use information from the notes and book please properly cite the information.
*At least 1 source is required. In this case, the book "Harvard Medical School Guide to Men's Health" by Harvey Simon must be your source so make sure to cite it properly whenever you use a quote in your response to any of the questions. You can include more than one source but make sure to cite them properly.
*At least 1 reference is required. In this case, the book "Harvard Medical School Guide to Men's Health" by Harvey Simon. Now, if you cite more than one source, then make sure to include them in your reference page too.
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Notes to the writer:
* In the order form I uploaded screenshots of Chapter 3 of the book called "Harvard Medical School Guide to Men's Health" by Harvey Simon.
* Also, in the order form, I uploaded the Chapter 3 notes in a PDF file titled "Chapter 2 Notes for Male Metabolism".

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Male Metabolism
Student’s Name
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Course number and Course Name
Instructor’s Name
Male Metabolism
Q1. Carbohydrates for Health
Eating food rich in carbohydrates is considered an essential part of healthy dieting. The body uses such content to generate glucose as the primary energy source for normal functioning. In non-human cases, such as plants, sunlight absorbs energy to create sugars from carbon dioxide and water (Harvey, 2004). As for humans, feeding on plants gives energy in the form of carbohydrates compounds like sugars, fibers or starch, releasing glucose. The latter is an essential energy source in all living organisms to fuel the body.
Best carbohydrates, like whole grains, contain fiber and take longer to break into sugar to produce relevant nutrients and calories. Carbohydrate provides people with glucose converted to energy to support physical activities. Besides energy production, energy-based food compounds help build macromolecules, support metabolism, and prevent protein breakdown. When the body has higher blood glucose levels, lipids or protein breakdown is inhibited. Therefore, carbohydrates provide a sparing effect on other vital nutrients in the body.
Q2. The Connection Between Glucose and Insulin
The food consumed by people is broken into glucose or blood sugar. When the latter enters the bloodstream, the pancreas releases insulin to help glucose reach body cells for use as energy. Also, insulin makes the liver store enough blood glucose for later use. Glucose, a simple sugar, is an energy source for body cells to function. On the other hand, insulin from the pancreas directs fat cells and vital muscles to take in generated glucose. Therefore, while blood sugar is obtained from food to fuel th...
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