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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.37

Pharmacogenomics and Chronic Illness

Coursework Instructions:

Locate at least one scholarly journal article that discusses your subtopic.
Identify your subtopic and provide a brief summary of your journal article on how this topic relates to nursing practice.
What is the nurse’s role in providing care in relation to your subtopic and the overarching theme of advocacy?
What ethical implications should be considered with regard to genetics and genomics for nursing practice? Why?

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Pharmacogenomics and Chronic Illness
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Pharmacogenomics and Chronic Illness
Habeb et al. (2018) analyzed the role of thiamine therapy on diabetes among patients with thiamine-responsive megaloblastic anemia (TRMA) syndrome. TRMA syndrome is a recessive genetic disorder characterized by diabetes, megaloblastic anemia, and hearing loss. The researchers noted that although data on TRMA syndrome has been collected, there has been more focus on hematological aspects and less on diabetes as a manifestation of the syndrome. The study revealed that out of the 15 individuals receiving thiamine therapy, 11 were reported with increased diabetes control. Also, all participants stopped being dependent on blood transfusions. The researchers noted that although diabetes is one of the three manifestations of TRMA syndrome, it is mostly asymptomatic. It can take long before diabetes symptoms start showing in affected individuals. Habeb et al. (2018) recommended regular tests to determine blood glucose levels among individuals with both megaloblastic anemia and a loss of hearing. This would allow early detection and diagnosis of diabetes and facilitate early, targeted treatment using thiamine therapy.
The findings of this study are relevant to nursing practice, especially for nursing advocacy, for two reasons. One, it influences nursing practice by offering insights into how nurses can best provide care to patients with TRMA syndrome. As the study reveals, early diagnosis, early genetic testing, and early thiamine treatment can improve diabetes control among patients with TRMA syndrome. Nurses can integrate this information into their practice to ensure that patients receive all the benefits of pharmacogenetics in treating chronic conditions such as diabetes. Nurses can advocate the use of pharmacogenomics by discussing its benef...
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