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Coursework Journal Request for Practice Experience

Coursework Instructions:

Request for Practice Experience
All practice experiences must be approved by the Practicum Coordinator prior to beginning any experiences and to obtain course credit for these experiences.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Request for Practice Experience
All practice experiences must be approved by the Practicum Coordinator prior to beginning any experiences and to obtain course credit for these experiences.
To assist with time management, place a proposed date or timeframe of each activity. Keep records of each activity for placement on the Practice Experience Record. Please total your hours at the bottom of the grid to ensure you are meeting the course requirement.
***This document may be used as a guide to prepare prior to submitting your Request for Practice Experiences in the online format.
Student Ngozi Duru
Course Name and Number N700PE

DateDescription and NarrativeHours3/20/16Plan for Practice Experience
Prepared to interview key stakeholders and leaders to learn how to integrate the theory and research into learning practice to improve nursing practice. 33/23/26Interview Dean for The College of Nursing On Health Services Research and How Research is found, accessed and applied in nursing
The Dean is a leader with knowledge on applying nursing research findings to improve institutional performance, and by extension implementing healthcare research. 33/29/16Interview Information Technology Manager related to Health Services Research and how research is found accessed and applied in this nursing practice setting.
The IT manager has experience in research, and the response was important to using the most appropriate research strategies to get relevant research articles, data and statistics34/4/16Interview A Chief Nursing Officer related to Health Services Research and how research is found, accessed, and applied in this nursing practice setting
The Chief Nursing officer is familiar with implementing the research, and since evidence-based practice is to be integrated in practice the interview highlights how to apply the research.34/11/16Interview of a peer (Registrar College of nursing related to health services research, benchmarking and use of findings
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