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Police Officers and the use of Body Cameras

Coursework Instructions:

Criminal Justice: Community Relations Class
Topic: Police Officers and the use of Body Cameras
Step #1: Read the PowerPoint titled “Chapter 9 Planning and Implementation Keys to Success”
Step #2: View the YouTube video titled “FBI chief links crime spike to 'Ferguson effect” by CNN
The link to the YouTube video above is located here below:
Step #3: Now, answer the following question below…
Advancement in technology is having an impact on police departments across the United States, and how police officers carry out their duties. One recent technology application is the use of body cameras.
Question: If you were a police officer and your department's policy on the use of body cameras was voluntary, would you choose to wear them or not? Please explain your opinion in at least one full page.
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Coursework Assignment Guidelines
* Must be at least 1 full page.
*Must be in Times New Roman Font Size 12 with 1-inch margins all around.
*Must be in APA format 7
*At least 1 source is required. The YouTube video must your source. You can include other sources but make sure to cite them properly.
*At least 1 reference is required which in this case must include the YouTube video. If you cite other sources, make sure to include them on your reference page too.
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Note the Essay Writer:
* In the order form I uploaded the Powerpoint titled "Chapter 9 Planning and Implementation Keys to Success"

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Police Officers and the Use of Body Cameras
Student’s Name
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Due Date
Police Officers and the Use of Body Cameras
Many aspects of service provisions have gained significant improvements due to the continued embracement of technology. Law enforcement is a complicated discipline that would equally benefit from the diverse capabilities that come with integrating innovations to improve the efficiency of enforcing law and order in neighborhoods. One of the highly debated issues is the feasibility of using body cameras. In this context, I would always choose to use them if I were a police officer, and my department policy makes their use voluntary because of the motivation to remain professional and the friendliness they induce from citizens.
Using body cameras all the time would provide a real-time record of events as they unfold while responding to diverse events in societies. It would create an awareness that one’s professionalis...
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