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Human Resource Management Management Coursework Paper

Coursework Instructions:

In at least 250 words explain what you can take from HR into a marketing career. What areas of HR do you find most interesting? Is there anything you would want to learn more about?
Discuss any mixture of negotiating and compromise, collective bargaining, recruitment and selection, training and performance management, and employee benefits.

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Human Resource and Management
The field of human resource and management encompasses a wide range of fields such as business and marketing, social sciences, humanities, mass communications, and technology. This career bargains positions in the job market for qualified graduates who have the skill to have critical and strategical thinking CITATION Frand \l 1033 (Franklin University, n.d.).
Human resource and management is a universal degree, especially with a marketing major. With this, the fresh graduate can choose a field in consumer behavior, content marketing, digital strategy marketing, e-commerce, marketing strategies, market research and analytics, promotion, search engine marketing and optimization, and social media CITATION Frand \l 1033 (Franklin University, n.d.).
Based on the author’s point-of-view, formulating a marketing strategy is the most interesting because this involves the analysis of consumer behavior and the trend in the market. It is also necessary to be updated in the current events worldwide, which can also help the author gr...
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