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Discussion. Joseph Stalin: A Leadership Profile. Management Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

Describe a leader with whom you are familiar. You can choose an effective or an ineffective leader. Please answer the following questions in your discussion:
1. What different kinds of power does he or she use or misuse. Where is that power (or lack thereof) derived from?
2. Describe how your leader exhibits (or does not exhibit) three different leadership traits that the eText lists as important .
3. Of the different models of leaders (transformational, situational, path-goal, authentic, etc.) described in chapter 10 pf the eText, explain how would you classify this leader's leadership style.

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Running head: JOSEPH STALIN1
Joseph Stalin: A Leadership Profile
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Joseph Stalin: A Leadership Profile
The closer examination of Joseph Stalin's leadership style, aside from uncritical and sweeping generalizations of autocratic control, goes beyond coercive power, as one form of power, Stalin is usually associated with. In contrast, Stalin is reasonably – and fairly – a leader who exercised all forms of power including legitimate, reward, referent and expert, in addition to coercive power. Admittedly, Stalin's leadership showed a stark abuse of all forms of power at his disposal. Then again, Stalin's use of his legitimate power of Communist Party is one form of power he misused most by crossing lines of leadership into areas of unprecedented (and, of course, unauthorized nor negotiated) atrocities. The legitimate power of Stalin derived from his emergence in Communist Party ranks as a senior and influential leader. The reward power of Stalin derived from, and supported by, unlimited (yet unauthorized) resources at his disposal to offer carrots to loyalists...
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