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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
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The Relationship Between The Scope Statement

Coursework Instructions:

Question 1
The scope baseline consists of the scope statement and the work breakdown structure (WBS). Describe the relationship between the scope statement and the WBS and why they are fundamental to project success.
Your response should be at least 250 words in length.
Question 2
What is the critical path of a project, and why is this concept important to an effective schedule management?
Your response should be at least 250 words in length.

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Course Work 3b
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The relationship between the scope statement and the WBS and why they are fundamental to project success
Project scope statements are critical facets that are used to determine potential project constraints, deliverables, success factors, and assumptions. A properly written and stipulated scope statement defines the possible limits of a project. Project shareholders and the team must agree to the terms in the project scope statement before the beginning of the project. On the other hand, work breakdown structure (WBS) is a tool that enables the project team to plan and organize their work efficiently and effectively CITATION Mar19 \l 1033 (Markgraf & Seidel, 2019). More often than not, managers assign a timeframe within which they indent to complete specific time-limited activities at a given cost. Upon completion, the project needs to leave-up to the shareholders’ set standards for which the assignment was orchestrated to address. A WBS is designed to enable project managers to scheme their schedule of work, approximate the cost, delegate duties and responsibilities, and plan for the functional completion of their assignment. Additionally, it helps managers to see to it that their plan is in tandem with the available resources besides providing for effective execution of the project.
Both project scope statement and WBS are fundamental aspects that facilitate the success of a project through the creation of independent and measurable tasks for a project. In effect, this breaks down complex elements to a collection of feasible and straightforward tasks. Simplified jobs with set cost and time limits are relatively easier to oversee effectively compared to their complex counterparts CITATION Mar19 \l 1033 (Markgraf & Seidel, 2019). Secondly, the scope statement and WBS makes it possible for project ...
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