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Course Work 7d. Team Cohesiveness. Management Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

Team cohesiveness is influenced by the variables of team interaction, shared goals, and personal attraction to the team. Choose a team that you have been a part of in the past. This can be a sports team, work team, or personal team. Consider the relationship between team cohesiveness and performance by examining the factors that affected your team's cohesiveness. What factors positively affected your team's cohesiveness? What factors negatively affected your team's cohesiveness? What will you do differently in your next team experience to improve team cohesiveness in order to improve the overall performance of the team?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Team Cohesiveness
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Team Cohesiveness
Working as a team on a project requires cohesiveness for the realization of the best results. Several months ago, I was part of a team that had an objective to roll out a primary health care program for the elderly among the homeless community. The plan was an initiative of a nonprofit organization. The success of the project was mainly due to the volunteers and staff working as a unit. However, there were a myriad of issues that brought frictions that almost resulted in the fragmentation of the team. One of the challenges was the unwillingness of some of the group members to follow the group laid down procedures that they considered to be primordial. The impediments almost grounded the group from attaining its objective. However, the team leader was competent enough to lead the group despite the interpersonal conflicts.
A resilient management approach helped in fostering cohesiveness. The leadership made the staff and volunteers realize the significance and strength of the interpersonal bond. A positive interrelationship was critical in motivating team members to respect each other by avoiding unnecessary conflicts. The group focus became more explicit, and they were able to assist the aged homeless who primarily were beneficiaries of the health program. The gro...
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