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Cognitive Psychology Application

Coursework Instructions:

Consider an application of cognitive psychology (e.g. educational, marketing) and conduct some informal research (e.g. on the web) to determine how people are currently approaching it and discuss what aspects of cognition would be relevant to building out the application.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Cognitive Psychology Application
Student Name
Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Professor’s Name
Due Date
Cognitive Psychology Application
Cognitive psychology is the scientific study of the internal mental process, including thinking, memorization, perception, attention, learning, and acquisition of problem-solving skills. This report will present various ways cognitive psychology can be applied in education settings to promote and enhance effective teaching and academic excellence. Cognitive psychology can be applied in the educational setting where teachers encourage learners to actively engage in the learning process geared at creating, integrating, and generalizing acquired information via exploring and applying it in solving the problems they encounter in life (Çeliköz et al., 2019). Accordingly, contemporary educational psychologists apply cognitive psychology to design learners-oriented instructional methodologies that stimulate thinking and subsequent implementation of the learned concept in addressing issues in real-life situations.
Effective reasoning is an aspect of cognitive psychology that can build a relevant application. Reasoning entails thinking about something sensibly and logically before making a conclusion about the subject matter. I...
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