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Self-Reflection on Human Resource Management

Coursework Instructions:

Based on your assessment reports and the debriefing discussion, you will be required to submit a written report (1,200-1,500 words) with your self-reflection and leadership development action plan:
• Your current leadership role and your ambition as a leader
• Action items based on the assessments
• Reasons behind each action

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

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Self-Reflection on Human Resource Management
1 Introduction
As the fleet manager of a major airline, I oversee a team of 70 individuals who play a critical role in the success of our organization. To effectively lead this team, I must constantly evaluate my performance and seek opportunities for growth and development. As the fleet manager, I have many responsibilities, and it can be challenging to be available to my team members when they need me (Nowicki & Arnold, 2007). Considering the leadership assessment report, I have analyzed that I must be responsive and available to support them when they have questions or concerns.
2 Discussion and Analysis
1 Self-Reflection and Leadership Development Action
After comprehending the outcomes of actions that were supposed to be taken, I found my score low compared with my subordinates. One of the key traits I strive to embody as a leader is a trustworthiness, which I gave myself a score of 6.0, and my subordinate gave me a 6.3 score. To ensure that I meet my team’s expectations, I regularly seek feedback from my team and use it to adjust my approach; that is probably why my subordinate consider me good in trustworthiness. Another essential quality I aim to demonstrate is dependability; I believe I am working well and rank myself with a 6.0 score, and my subordinate gave me a 6.5 score. As the fleet manager, I understand that my team members look to me to provide guidance and direction in all aspects of their work, but I only provide little room (Oh et al., 2015). In addition to being trustworthy and dependable, I see myself as a staff supervisor. My role as a leader also demands supervision and quality control of my team members to produce the optimum quality outcome. To do this, I strive to enhance my supervisory skills, but I must be positive and flexible at the same time. The optimum performance of my team members is directly linked with training and proper work scheduling, which I need to focus on with dedicated interest. Appropriate dispatch and compliance with passed regulations are also required for the best possible performance, which I believe can be streamlined with staff training.
2 Current Leadership Role and Ambition as a Leader
Regarding my current leadership role, I am in an excellent position to help my team succeed. I deeply understand the airline industry, aviation safety rules, and our unique challenges and opportunities. I also have a strong rapport with my team members and can communicate effectively to ensure we all work towards the same goals (Kuvaas et al., 2014). Looking forward, my ambition as a leader is to continue developing my skills and enhancing my aviation safety knowledge. I am committed to staying up-to-date with industry trends and best practices to improve my administrative skills. To achieve these goals, I plan to take several concrete actions, including safety rules, especially “safety first clauses” in aviation administration. First, I will seek additional training and education opportunities, such as attending leadership seminars or online courses. Second, I will c...
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