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Communications & Media
English (U.S.)
MS Word
Total cost:
$ 4.75

Transition Words. Communications & Media Coursework.

Coursework Instructions:

Read the information at the link posted below on using transition words in your writing, and answer the questions below (200 words minimum).
1. Why are transition words important?
2. Do you feel that you use enough transition words in your writing - in between sentences AND paragraphs?
3. Using the Logical Relationships table, give an example of when you might use a few transition words.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
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Transition Words
Transition words are crucial in professional or academic writing since they enable the author to convey the information concisely and give a clear direction on what the reader should do. They are not verbal decorations, but they establish logical connections within a paragraph and between sections and sentences. In particular, transitions can be single words, full sentences, or quick phrases (The Writing Center). They are significant in helping the reader to organize, think, and react to ideas presented in a specific paper. Consequently, transition words foster the logical coherence of arguments and show how different ideas relate to each other.
In some cases, I feel as if I use numerous transition words in my writing, particularly within a paragraph. I understand that these phrases improve the coherence of one’s paper and make the reader relate different ideas (The Writing Center). For example, the author can reiterate a point that was discussed in the first section of the paper later in his or her writing. However, I do not overuse transition words between sentences since they can cause redu...
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