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The American Moral Values: Book / Film / Television Program

Coursework Instructions:

Prompt from Italian Civilization Instructor:
Step #1: Read Chapter 1 from THE ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO in the PDF attachment titled “book0610”.
Step #2: Review the Lecture Notes titled “Pinocchio” on the word document attachment.
Step #3: Review the Powerpoint attachment titled “Unification of Italy”.
Step #4: Now for your assignment… As you have read, "The Adventures of Pinocchio" was a text written for children that was very influential in the context of nation building after Italy's unification, both from a linguistic and ethical/moral perspective. After watching Walt Disney's version of Pinocchio can you think of another children fairy tale, or a book/film/television program that promotes American moral values like that found in Walt Disney's version of Pinocchio.
Notes from me the student to the EssayZoo Writer:
The assignment must be in Times New Roman Font with Size 12 with 1 inch margins all around.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Cinderella, a live-action version of Charles Perrault’s publication, is a fairy tale that is very familiar to the American populous on the basis of its teachings about beauty and marriage. Perrault had a very distinct rule of placing the moral of his works at the end of every story. Cinderella is no exception to this hence from its moral lessons, the American moral values have been greatly promoted.
The first moral found in Cinderella is that there is paramount importance to physical beauty. When one looks at it from a human being point of view, many would argue that it is a corrosive moral to the society as it promotes discrimination. However, from an explicit point of view, it is evident that tru...
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