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Don’t Blame the Eater

Coursework Instructions:

READ THE “ Don’t Blame the. Eater” by David Zinczenko. Summary it for 2/3 page and write the opinion about agree it nor not.

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Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Due Date: Don’t Blame the Eater In the article Don’t Blame the Eater by David Zinczenko, the main message is that fast-food joints are the main culprits in the topic of lifestyle disease cases among children. First of all, he starts his article in a sarcastic way and one would think that he would blame the consumers of fast-foods. He goes to the extent of asking “whatever happened to personal responsibility?” This question has been a bone of contention in this type of debates but Zinczenko sidesteps it and presents his case against fast-food companies. He provides a little history of himself and his family and how for him (and for many children in the U.S. today), fast-foods were the ideal option. However, he claims that he was lucky because he joined the Navy Reserves and became aware of things like diet management. But, for the thousands of young people, a lifetime of obesity and being vulnerable to lifestyle diseases is what awaits them. Compared to the past, Zinczenko claims that today things are far much worse. He notes that currently, 30% of diabetes cases in the U.S. today are Type 2. This was unheard of before 1994. Additionally, he goes ahead and compares healthcare costs specific to diabetes and the difference is indeed staggering. Often, some people will argue that people should know better and amass knowledge which will, in turn, help them make better life choices. However, as Zinczenko notes, even after making the decision to eat healthy foods, there are no readily available joints dedicated to healthy foods. Alternatives to fast-food joints are nowhere to be found. Aside from the above, Zinczenko notes that fast-food joints do not provide information regarding the number of calories in the foods they vendor. Their advertisements showcase finger-licking and tasty foods but they always avoid warnings to make their customers aware of the dangers that lurk ahead. These companies not only refuse to offer information on calories but also hide facts regarding the number of calories in the foods they sell. Health should take precedence especially today when healthcare costs continue to soar. Finally, Zinczenko finishes his article noting that fast-food companies are culprits. They openly advertise foods that affect the health of children and refuse to offer warnings. It makes sense to see companies offer nutrition advice to their customers and help them make informed choices. Zin...
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