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international business: societies view of change

Coursework Instructions:
#5(ch.5 pg.167) Some societies view change differently than do americans. What impact does this have on the way American marketers operate in those markets? The way American production people operate? When answering the question, state the question number and the page number of the question you are answering. Answer the question, add additional information about the subject, and provide example(s) to get 5 points. book- International Business, The challenge of global competition, 12th edition
Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date: #5(ch.5 pg.167) some societies view change differently than do Americans. What impact does this have on the way American marketers operate in those markets? The American marketers come up with marketing strategies which are part of the firms overall plan to meet the needs of the target markets. The marketers spend a lot of time in the evaluating the target market so as to come up with the best marketing strategy. Marketers divide the market into market segmentations and different marketing strategies are used for each market segment (Ball 167). This involves changing the firms marketing mix which includes the price, products and the promotion strategy so as to meet the needs of each market segment. McDonald a company from America wanted to develop its business in India which is a country where 80% of its residents do not eat beef. They had to change their marketing str...
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