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international business: strengths and weaknesses of the use of an international division

Coursework Instructions:
When answering the question, state the question number and the page number of the question you are answering. Answer the question, add additional information about the subject, and provide example(s) to get 5 points. Read the example answers in Announcements on our course page. Properly cite your sources. Note: Do NOT cite Wikipedia. (#2, pg 422) What are the main strengths and weaknesses of the use of an international division as part of a companys organizatinal structure? Under what circumstances might such a structure be an appropriate choice for a company? Book-International Business, The challenge of global competition, 12th ed. Donald Ball, Michael Geringer Please feel free to use more than 2 sources.
Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Name: University: Course: Tutor: Date: International Business 2. (a) What are the main strengths and weaknesses of the use of an international division as part of a company’s organizational structure? The international division offers a lot of strength to the company’s organizational structure as it focuses upon a single product or service offering leadership structure that supports its major objectives. As it ensures that the company structure has its own president or vice president, it therefore makes it likely that it that the division will receive the resources it require from the company (Ball & Geringer, 27). It helps in building a common culture and esprit de corps that increases morale and better knowledge in the division portfolio. The weakness of international divisions has also several weaknesses. A company that comprises of many competing divisions may allow politics in the office to take the place of sound strategic thinking, thus affecting the company view in the allocation of company resources. Therefore, one division will always act in a manner to undermine the other one....
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