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Literature & Language
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The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe: Literature & Language Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

For this week's discussion, choose one of the assigned poems from Obit or one from the two assigned chapters in Norton and "co-create" the poem's meaning. In other words, explain the meaning or significance (think about things like theme, imagery, symbols, tone, etc.) that you see in the poem you've chosen. What lines or elements of the poem help to create this meaning? This should be your own analysis of the poem's meaning, with examples (direct quotes) of lines that support your point of view.
When you cite a line from a poem, your citation will list the line number instead of the page number, like this: (Wheatley line 2). More details on quoting poetry appropriately in MLA format are available earlier in the week 11 module.
I have chosen the raven by edgar allen poe

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
The Raven is a poem by Edgar Allen Poe, first published in 1845. Since then, it has received several awards and appreciation across generations. This is due to its unique and mysterious mood. There are specific themes revealed throughout the poem, with a strong sense of suspense and somberness. The poem explores the theme of death. Through the language and style used in the poem, Poe communicates the impacts of death on the living. The death-related themes portrayed in the poem include grief, mourning, and remembering the dead.
When the poem starts, we see the narrator mourning in the dark. "Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary" i...
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