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Training Delivery Methods and the Lecture Method and Audiovisual Techniques

Coursework Instructions:

Lesson 12: Discussion Board, Training Methods
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What is the Purpose of This Activity?
The purpose of this activity is to provide a chance for students to think about and discuss concepts surrounding traditional training methods. Applying these concepts covered in class, students should be able to think critically about the questions posed below.
Please see the discussion board requirements listed in Lesson 1. Do not forget to respond to two of your classmates. Remember, this is intended to be collaborative team discussions.
Due Dates:
Unless otherwise stated within a specific lesson, your response to all discussion posts will be due by midnight on Wednesday. You must post responses to two of your classmates by midnight on Saturday. Additionally, check back in the prior discussion each week to read other student feedback, as well as respond to any questions I may have asked. It is important that you stay active in discussion posts, given significant peer learning can help you think through alternative solutions and ideas.
Discussion Question:
1. Locate and read a scholarly article about training delivery methods. (Avoid Wikipedia articles) Summarize the article you found and post your summary in this thread. Be sure to include the citation. In your peer replies, be sure to read articles posted by classmates from different sources.
2. What are the strengths (advantages) and weaknesses (disadvantages) of the Lecture method vs Audiovisual Techniques?
3. What training methods have you personally experienced that you have found beneficial and why?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
In their article, “Evaluating Webinar-based Training: A Mixed Methods Study of Trainee Reactions Toward Digital Web Conferencing,” Gegenfurtner, Zitt, and Ebner (2020) explore the effectiveness of webinars as a training delivery method. To this end, the researchers use a mixed methods approach to examine the perspectives of 419 trainees on the use of webinars for instruction delivery in supply chain management, mathematics, early childhood education, and industrial management (Gegenfurtner, Zitt, & Ebner, 2020). The researchers found that the use of webinars as a delivery method yielded the highest levels of satisfaction among trainees who were in the early education field. The participants rated their satisfaction with the delivery method based on their interactions with the instructor and the likelihood of accessing recorded materials following a webinar. The length of the webinar was also a significant factor with the trainees preferring a session that was less than 90 minutes.
Notably, one should be aware of the strengths and weaknesses associated with lecture methods and audiovisual methods as training delivery methods. The strengths of the lecture method include t...
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