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Effect of the Increasing Reliance on Fast Food on Urban Societies

Coursework Instructions:

Step 1) Each student will develop 2 sociological questions and one theory for each question (examples below). One question needs to be able to be explored qualitatively and the other, you guessed it, quantitatively.
Step 2) Develop a theory for each question
Step 3) Develop a hypothesis for each theory (one qualitative and one quantitative)
Step 4) Submit your work in the following format:
A) Identify whether the hypothesis will be measured qualitatively or quantitatively
B) State the Question (what are you curious about) / observation
C) State the Theory (how do you think two things are related)
D) State the hypothesis (what effects what)
E) State how the hypothesis can be measured (question people, observe a phenomenon, survey people, count the number of times X happens)
This is worth 50 points (25 points each) and I will be grading it on how well you understand the concepts which will be your answer completeness, did you explain your theory, hypothesis, measurement.
Your questions / theory should be logical but don't have to be Earth shattering new ideas. Just demonstrate your understanding.
Question: why do some people tend to get more traffic tickets than other people?
Theory: the color of someone's car can affect their chance of receiving a traffic ticket
Hypothesis: people who drive red cars tend to break the speed limit more than those who do not drive red cars
Measure: I could go to the local police department and ask for statistics on the color of each car where a speeding ticket was issued to the driver and calculate what color of car gets the most speeding tickets. Or, I could ask the local insurance agent for the number of car crashes involving red cars compared to all other colors of car.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Course Name and Number
Instructor’s Name
Qualitatively measured hypothesis
Question: How has the increased reliance on fast food affected urban societies?
Theory: People living in areas with many fast food outlets, especially urban regions, suffer a higher risk of obesity and other lifestyle diseases.
Previous studies on the risk factors to obesity and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and heart complication have identified dietary intake as one of the contributing factors. Consequently, people living in regions with many fast food outlets are at higher risk of developing these complications.
Hypothesis: The majority of people who rely on fast food as their primary nutritional source have limited knowledge of nutrition knowledge.
Nutrition knowledge largely influences a population’s food choices. In most cases, people with higher nutrition knowledge are more likely to resort to healthy food choices, thereby reporting positive health outcomes, as opposed to pe...
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