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scape From The Western Diet Michael Pollan MLA Citation

Coursework Instructions:

For this week, you've read the following selections from our textbook: Michael Pollan's "Escape from the Western Diet," Mary Maxfield's "Food as Thought: Resisting the Moralization of Eating," and David Freedman's "How Junk Food Can End Obesity." To some extent, these three writers are in conversation with each other. With this discussion forum, you also begin to enter the discussion.
To start that discussion, pick up where Pollan ends: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants" (630). First briefly explain Pollan's argument, and then devote the rest of your response to your own views. Provide evidence or support for your views. Continue to follow the claim + evidence + explanation structure we use in papers. Response posts should also follow the claim + evidence + explanation structure, including quotations used as evidence.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Week 11 Discussion: What Should We Eat?
Pollan argues that should "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants" (630). In his essay, Pollan focuses on informing Americans about the Western diet and insists that they must avoid or escape from its traps. The aim is to ensure that people live healthy by eating well and escape the western diseases. I strongly agree with the claims of Pollan because people consume products because they have been conditioned to prefer junk foods from McDonald's, Burger Kings, among other fast-food chains. With the continuous consumption of these meals, people are prone to develop lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and obesity.
People must eat food in the right proportion to ensure that they do not consume excess fats. Additionally, there is a need to avoid processed foods and consume products in their...
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