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2 pages/≈550 words
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Mathematics & Economics
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.37

Japan's Expansionary Monetary Policy

Coursework Instructions:

1. Consider the following two behavioral assumptions:

(I) The responsiveness of money demand to income (e) is small.

(II) The responsiveness of investment to interest rate (d) is small.

During the 1990’s, Japan was aggressively pursuing an expansionary monetary policy to boost income and reverse its pervasive deflation. Despite large drops in real interest rates, income did not grow much, and deflation persisted.

Using the IS/LM model of a closed economy, which behavioral assumption (I or II) would explain the inability of the monetary policy to substantially increase income? Explain your choice (I or II) and illustrate your answer with an IS/LM graph. Be sure to explain the impact of an increase in money supply on interest rates (r) and income (Y).

The subject of  deflation is not pertinent here as the IS/LM model assumes fixed prices in the short run. [25 points]

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Japan Money Market Analysis
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Japan Money Market Analysis
Japan pursued an expansionary monetary policy in the 1990s. There are assumptions which were put in place to make it effective. According to experts, the two most significant behavioral assumptions to be considered included the responsiveness of the monetary demand versus the income € is small and the responsiveness of the existing investments to interest rates (d) is also small. In relation to these assumptions, the inability of the policy to critically increase income can be expounded by utilizing the second assumption that the responsiveness of the existing investments to interest rates is minor. Therefore, it is evident that with even a significantly large from in real interest rates, there is insignificant change in the investments existing. Eventually, these all results in a little change in the income.
Utilizing the IS/LM model, an IS curve can be created which would show the combinations of the interest rates and the output levels which meet the conditions of the equilibrium position in the market. Therefore, to incorporate the IS curve, the fundamental equation that would be used is:
Y = C(Y - T) + I(r) + G
Y represents the output, C is the marginal value of the propensity to income while T is the taxes. I represents investment, r the rate of interest and G is the government spending. Considering all other elements are held constant the decrease in the rates of interest world res...
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